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Create the BOM in bulk

How to use the Retraced import wizard for the automatic creation of a Bill of Material (BOM).

Updated over a week ago

You have created your products and their components want to match them in their bill of material now. This can be done manually or with our BOM uploader.

Manual BOM creation

Creating it manually works through the product update page:

Automatic BOM creation

Creating a BOM for multiple products at once, works with our BOM uploader. It works similar to our other import wizards.

Steps to create your BOM with our importer:

  1. Click the 'Import Bill of Material' icon in the bar of the products overview table.

  2. Either drop your own BOM file or download our template.

  3. Select the sheet you want to import.

  4. Match the sheets columns with our columns. Mandatory fields include product code, component code, and the quantity of the component in the according product.

  5. Review your entries and add or edit given information.

  6. Complete the import.

Want to update your BOM?

Our importer saves you valuable time doing so. Just be aware that it will overwrite all information in the current BOM. So, make sure you include all components in the uploader and not only those you want to adjust.

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