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Access supplier documents
Updated over a year ago

Your supplier has uploaded a document and you would like to view it? Find out below how to do so!

How to access documents of your suppliers?

Option 1: Via supplier profile

  1. Go into the Network tab in the left navigation bar.

  2. Search for the supplier.

  3. Go into the supplier profile by clicking on the supplier name.

  4. Click the Documents tab.

  5. Click the document's name to view the document.

Option 2: Via the network documents tab

  1. Go into the Vendor compliance > Documents tab in the left navigation bar.

  2. Use the filter function to search for a specific supplier.

    NOTE: Your supplier may have archived a document. Consequently, it will be no longer listed in the supplier profile documents tab. However, it will be still accessible via the network documents tab!

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