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What happens when I add collaborators and what do they see?
What happens when I add collaborators and what do they see?
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how you can use the collaboration function as well as what collaborators can do and see in our CAPA feature.

How do I add collaborators?

When you book our Advanced CAPA plan, you can add collaborators in multiple places at every point in time:

  • During creation through the drop down for collaborators.

  • After creation in the CAP, CA, or PA page in the details section underneath collaborator.

  • When starting the importer through the drop down for collaborators.

Who can I add as collaborator?

You can add any company in your network as collaborators who should contribute on a CAP or CAPA.

What happens when I add a collaborator?

Adding a collaborator gives them access to the action you added them to. Depending on which plan they have, they can comment, edit all fields, upload files and/or add and remove assignees, or reporters.

As CAPAs can contain sensitive data, please make sure that the collaborators you add are allowed to see the content of the action you are adding them to.

Can other companies in a CAP, CA or PA add collaborators?

Only companies who have the Advanced CAPA plan can add and remove collaborators. In case a collaborator added a company from their network that you are not connected with, we show it accordingly.

What do collaborators see?

They can see all the details, comments, and the history of the action you added them to. In addition, they see the following things:

  • Linked CAs and PAs
    A collaborator can only see the action they are added to. Meaning that when a collaborator is added to a CAP that has linked CAs or PAs but they are not collaborating on them, they will not see them. They will only see the number of linked actions.

  • Linked CAPs
    The same goes for the linked CAPs in CAs or PAs: Collaborators who don't collaborate on the CAP can see that there is a CAP linked but they cannot access it.

  • Source type & source
    Collaborators can see the source type and if a source has been selected. When there is an audit selected, they can only see that audit when it is public or shared with them. If that is not the case, then they can request access to it.

  • Attachments
    Collaborators can see all the files that have been attached to the action they are invited to.

Can I remove collaborators?

Yes, you can remove collaborators at any point in time. By removing a collaborator, they will not be able to access the action anymore and lose visibility to it. In addition, all the assignees and reporters of this company will be removed from the action.

Removing a collaborator will not remove their contributions to an action. This will still be visible in the history. Their comments will also stay in place.

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