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Respond to your client's assessments

If tasked with an assessment, follow this guide upon receiving an email or direct request from your client.

Updated over a week ago

How to fill out an assessment?

  1. Go to the ‘Assessments’ tab in the navigation bar.

  2. Click on ‘Assessments to answer’ to see those requested by your clients.

  1. Click either directly on the assessment’s name, or on the button next to the progress bar (either ‘Begin’, ‘Continue’, or ‘Update’, depending on the assessment status).

  2. Each question on the assessment tab acts as its own entity. That means every question can be attempted separately. It saves automatically where you leave it. Once you click the submit button the answer goes in to review stage. Notice the border of an assessment question. These are four colors that indicate the following:

    Grey: Undefined or unattempted
    Yellow: In review
    Green: Approved
    Red: Rejected

Good to know:

  • If the question is rejected, check the comments section of that question. Your client may have added a remark mentioning why the question has been rejected. Also, if a question is unclear to you, leave a comment for your client directly below the question.

  • If you are unable to answer a questions because it does not apply to your company, click the "Not available" button.

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