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Review assessment responses
Updated over a week ago

You can see the progress of the individual companies, as well as the total progress of all invited companies in the respective assessment. Here is how:

How to review your suppliers' assessment responses?

  1. Go to the Assessments tab in the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the 'My assessments of companies' tab.

  3. Click on the assessment you would like to review.

  4. To approve or deny the responses, simply click on the 'View' button next to company name in the assessment overview and review each question. If an answer is denied, this gives the assessed company the opportunity to edit or update their answer. There is also the possibility to clarify on the answers in the comments section

NOTE: When answers are submitted by your suppliers, they will be shown in yellow on the progress bar while in review, and you can choose to approve or deny their answers.

Still waiting for your supplier to complete their assessment? Let's send them a kind reminder!

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