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Impact Areas
Updated over a week ago

This is the retraced compliance and sustainability data structure. We base the retraced impact area on the most used sustainability standards. This structure is a living and growing document. Therefore, we are happy about suggestions!



Worker Involvement

  • Workplace Cooperation

  • Complaint & Grievance System

  • Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining > Policy/Commitment on Freedom of Association/on Right to Organize/on Collective Bargaining

Employment Practices

  • Equality & Diversity

  • Discipline

  • Working hours & Overtime

  • Wages & Benefits

  • Capacity Building

  • Vulnerable Groups

  • General Work Environment

  • Recruitment, Hiring & Termination Practices

  • Subcontracting & Homeworker

  • Child Labor

  • Contracts & Terms of Employment

Above & Beyond

  • Child Care

  • Accommodation & Dormitories

  • Canteens

  • Workers Wellbeing

  • Community Engagement

  • Community Impact

Worker Treatment

  • Forced Labour

  • Modern Slavery

  • Harassment & Abuse

  • Discrimination

  • Gender-Based-Violence

Health & Safety

  • Risk Assessment

  • Flammable & Combustible Materials

  • Engagement with OHS

  • Emergency Preparedness

  • Chemicals & Hazardous Substances

  • Materials Handling & Storage

  • Worker Protection

  • Safety Warnings

  • Electrical Safety


Organisation Profile

  • Responsible Business Conduct

  • Worker Demographics

  • Building & Operating Licenses

  • Certifications

  • Structures & Processes

  • Ownership structure

  • Purchasing Practices

  • Financial Practices

  • Roles & Responsibilities

Implementing Sustainability

  • Management Systems > Social and Environmental Decision-Making

  • Circularity > Offers new business models that support clothing longevity and slow down consumption of new clothing; Offers repair services; Use of reusable resources; End-of-Life Plan; Durability

Due Diligence

  • Policies & Procedures > Policy/Commitment on Anti-bribery/on Corruption/on presentation of false Information

  • Legal Compliance


  • Publication of detailed non-financial documents

  • Publication of strategic plan towards progressively improving human rights and environmental impacts

  • Publication of implementation assessments & the remediation process

  • Publication of grievance mechanism for workers & employees

  • Disclosing of incorporation of human rights & environmental performance in purchasing practices

  • Disclosure on traced supply chains

  • Disclosure of cash flows

  • Disclosure on gender equality progress

  • Disclosure on racial equality progress

  • Disclosure on progress towards sustainable sourcing

  • Disclosure on the progress of using sustainable materials

  • Disclosure on reducing overconsumption

  • Disclosure on progress towards zero waste

  • Disclosure on water footprint

  • Disclosure on chemical usage

  • Disclosure on climate change impact

  • Disclosure on biodiversity impact

  • Disclosure on progress towards circular business model


General Protection

  • Environmental Management Systems


  • Production Waste > Material Cut-Off; Waster Reduction Program

  • Waste Streams > Volume hazardous waste streams/non-hazardous waste streams; Disposal method hazardous waste streams/non-hazardous waste streams

  • Recycling


  • Water Scarcity

  • Wastewater Management

  • Ocean Depletion

  • Water Management System

  • Water Pollution


  • Pollution Prevention


  • GHG Emissions > Carbon intensity for Scope 1/2/3; Monitoring of GHG Emissions; Offsetting of GHG Emissions; Offsetting of Carbon Intensity for Scope 1/2/3; Policy/Commitment on GHG Emissions, GHG Emissions per product

  • Ozone Depletion Potential

  • Carbon Offsetting


  • Energy sources


  • Resource use


  • Land use


  • Animal welfare


  • Deforestation Program

Environmental Data


  • Photochemical Pollution

Physical Exposure



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