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What is your global risk landscape?
What is your global risk landscape?
Updated over a week ago

The starting point of our risk management is the global risk landscape. It equals the usual approaches of Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Regulations which require companies to conduct an abstract risk analysis on country level. In our global risk landscape you find an overview of all countries and their risk scores for all 21 retraced risk factors. Furthermore, we included: 

  • the sources from which we derive the risk scores for each country

  • the inital source score

  • the translation into the retraced risk score.

The global landscape is the starting point to any risk analysis as you need to understand if certain risk factors are high in the country of your network partners.

How to navigate the global risk landscape?

On the first glance, the landscape shows a country score for each risk factor based on 3-7 data sources. The sources are public indeces, acclaimed databases and regularly published reports focusing on the fashion and textiles industry and its impact on society and planet. These risk scores result in the average country risk.  

You can access all this information through first having a glance at the first table and map when accessing the global risk landscape: 

By clicking on a country in the first table, you can navigate to the more detailed risk factor overview of that country:

You can access the information about which data sources were used in calculating the score for each risk factor in clicking on the risk factor. This opens up a sidedrawer showing:

  • the risk score

  • the definition of the risk factor

  • the list of data sources, which are clickable and lead you to the source's website

  • the initial score from the source

  • publication date

  • the translation into the retraced risk score.

Here you can see an example of the risk score for Biodiversity in Georgia: 

If you prefer to have a general overview of all countries and their scores for each risk factor, scroll down:

Be aware of the difference: The gross risk in the global risk landscape is based on all the gross risks defined for that country, while the gross risk in the retraced standard assessment is based on the average of the gross risks for the risks in the template for that assessment. For example:

Global Risk Landscape - CHINA

Country Gross Risk - CHINA - Amazing Apparel

Why are certain risk factors missing data?

You may come across countries for whom certain risk factors do not have a retraced score. Reason for this is that in some countries and for some risk factors there is lacking research and therefore no data available. This might be the case for a country in the Global South where there is just no capacity to cover certain research topics. It could also be the case for a country in the Global North which covered a risk factor extensively and might have solved this risk area like child labor in Germany. We treat both cases the same since as there is no data we cannot derive a risk score. 

Note that the risk landscape tab is purely informative and presents the risk factors' scores on country level and their sources. There is no action required from your side in this tab.

Next, move to the risk rules tab to set up your assessment template.

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