Upload documents

Learn to store, manage, and share documents related to sustainability, including code of conducts, environmental policies, and more!

Updated over a week ago

How to upload a document?

  1. Go to the 'Documents' tab in the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the '+' button (= 'create new document').

  3. Select the company you would like to upload a document for from the dropdown-menu below 'Company'.

  4. Upload a file (with a maximum size of 100MB) by either pulling it into the field or clicking on 'Browse' to search for it from your computer database.

  5. Give your document a name.

  6. Select the document type from the dropdown-menu.

👉Is a document type missing? Don't worry, please fill out this form to request a document type to be added to the platform.

7. If you'd like to make the document public to your network, you can do so here.

❗Documents marked as public here will be made irreversibly public. Otherwise, it will only be visible to you, but can be shared later. Check out this article to learn how to selectively choose who to share with.

8. Click the 'Upload' button.

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