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Certificate directory

Have a question about a particular standard? Browse through our directory to get an overview of everything we cover.

Updated over 5 months ago






The ABNT Ecolabel is a lifecycle based ecolabel that is a voluntary method of environmental performance certification and labelling for products and services in Brazil.

It is run by the Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT) (the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) and is a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network. ABNT is also a certification body accredited by Inmetro for certification of products, services, systems and people.

Since 1950, ABNT has been certifying the area of ​​winning or respecting the trust of large and small companies, nationals and foreigners, by handing out several types of certificates. At ABNT, there are currently more than 400 certification programs, with several segments, such as the Certification Body of Products (OCP) with the highest accreditation body together with Inmetro.

The ABNT Comfirmity Mark is a guarantuee that the company’s products and services confirm to the standards and attend to the most rigorous qualification criteria. The ABNT Certificate is operating in North and South America, Europe, and Asia, performing audits in more than 30 countries.

Alliance For Water Stewardship (AWS)


The AWS standard is aimed to be applicable to a broad range of water users that may affect the availability and quality of water. In fact members of any sector (agriculture, industry, municipalities, airports etc.) can apply for certification. The main focus points of the standard are sustainable water abstraction, good water status, High Conservation Value areas and water governance.

AWS accreditation is based on the normative requirements of the AWS system, i.e. the AWS International Water Stewardship Standard (AWS Standard), AWS Interim Accreditation Requirements, AWS Certification Requirements and AWS Self-Verification Requirements.

Alliance for responsible Denim (ARD)


The Alliance for Responsible Denim (ARD) is an initiative from Made-By, Circle Economy and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

​ARD brings denim brands together to collectively take steps towards improving the ecological sustainability impact of denim production.
These first steps include establishing measurements, benchmarks and standards for resource use (e.g. chemicals, water, energy) and recycled denim.

Amfori BSCI


amfori BSCI aims to improve social performance in global supply chains. Since 2003, amfori BSCI has enabled companies to trade with purpose by doing this. BSCI implements the principle international labour standards protecting workers’ rights such as International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions and declarations, the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and guidelines for multinational enterprises of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Their code of conduct is based on 11 principles:
The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
No Discrimination
Fair Remuneration
Decent Working Hours
Occupational Health and Safety
No Child Labour
Special Protection for Young Workers
No Precarious Employment
No Bonded Labour
Protection of the Environment
Ethical Business Behaviour

It is not a certification scheme: BSCI’s approach supports companies towards embedding more responsible business practices which are shared with their business partners to gradually improve working conditions in their supply chain. Therefore, it does not organize audits

Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA)


The Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) was founded in 2007 as an Asian labour-led social alliance across garment producing countries (such as India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Bangladesh) and consumer regions (USA and Europe) for addressing poverty level wages, gender discrimination, and freedom of association in global garment production networks.

Garment workers in Asia, who are mostly women, produce most of the clothing in the global fast fashion industry. Global fashion brands are the primary drivers of this global market and supply chain; their primary interest is to maximise profits through manufacturing fashion clothing in production countries with cheap labour and selling that clothing in high-price consumer regions like Europe and USA. Brands’ continual focus on lowering production costs leads to a race to the bottom for workers’ wages and a decent and dignified life.

Garment unions in Asia realize the limitations of country-based struggles for improving workers’ lives in a global supply chain economy driven by global brands in Europe and United States. AFWA builds regional unity in Asia’s production countries and strong collaboration with solidarity networks in Europe and USA, to hold brands globally accountable.

B Corporation


Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. They meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. It is one of the only certifications that is not for a product or service, but for the whole business behind the product or service. The standards are created and revised by the Standards Advisory Council (SAC), a group of independent experts in business and academia.

Certified B Corporations amend their governance so that, by law, they can make decisions and implement practices that consider not just shareholder value, but the impact on all stakeholders — employees, customers, society, and the environment. The directors of certified B Corps are required to take accountability for their stakeholder impact. B Corps must publish public report of overall social and environmental performange assessed against a third party standard. B Corps must achieve a minimum verified score on the B Impact Assessment, which evaluates the company’s operations and business model impact its workers, community, environment, and customers. Companies must document their positive impact to qualify and undergo verification every three years to maintain their Certification.

The B Corp community works toward reduced inequality, lower levels of poverty, a healthier environment, stronger communities, and the creation of high-quality jobs with dignity and purpose. B Corp Certification is a highly selective status.

The B Impact Assessment Topics are:
- Transparency
- Ownership

- Job Growth
- Compensation and Benefits
- Employment Practices
- Work Environment
- Employee Ownership

- Suppliers
- Local
- Diversity
- Charity/volunteerism

- Energy Use
- Facilities
- Supply Chain
- Manufacturing

- Direct Impact Products/Services
- Targeting Underserved Communities
- High Impact Supply Chain

BASF e3 cotton


BASF differentiates a certain type of cotton: BASF e3 cotton, a high-quality cotton supply from the U.S.. This cotton is made with certified FiberMax® and authentic, storied Stoneville® cotton seed that can be traced through the whole supply chain. That way, the end customers know exactly what their clothes are made of, how they are made, and where the cotton comes from. The consumers are sure that their cotton is socially equitable, economically viable and environmentally responsible.

All e3 cotton farmers sign up and commit to grow cotton more efficiently and decreasing the impact to the environment. Their cotton is certified and verified through independent audits, allowing us to track specific environmental and social measures to an individual farmer.

The cotton is third-party verified/certified sustainably grown

Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)


The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future. Through BCI and its Partners, farmers receive training on how to use water efficiently, care for the health of the soil and natural habitats, reduce use of the most harmful chemicals and apply decent work principles. BCI Farmers implementing this system are licensed to sell Better Cotton.

Only committed BCI Members can use the BCI On-Product Mark. A Member must be sourcing at least 5% of their cotton as Better Cotton in order to start using the mark, with a plan to be sourcing at least 50% of their cotton as Better Cotton within five years. BCI monitors this progress and works closely with its Members to make sure claims made in association with the BCI logo reflect their engagement with the programme, and are transparent and credible.

When you see the BCI logo or ‘On-Product Mark’ on packaging, it does not mean the product is made of physically traceable Better Cotton. It means that you’re buying a majority cotton product, from a retailer or brand that is committed to sourcing Better Cotton and investing in BCI Farmers.

The Better Cotton Initiative works with a Mass-Balance approach. Mass-Balance is a term used to describe a supply chain methodology. Simply put, it means what comes out must balance with what went in. For example, if a retailer places an order for finished garments, like T-shirts, and requests one metric tonne of Better Cotton be associated with this order, a cotton farmer somewhere must produce one metric tonne of cotton to the Better Cotton Standard. This is then registered on BCI’s supply chain system, and credits for the order are passed through the supply chain for that same weight in cotton, from one factory to the next. What comes out is the equivalent amount of cotton that the farmer produced as Better Cotton, but it has been mixed in with conventional cotton in its journey from field to product.

Physically tracing Better Cotton through the supply chain is time consuming and expensive, and it is not necessary for BCI to meet its primary objectives. Ultimately, BCI is focused on making cotton production better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future. Knowing where the Better Cotton ends up does not benefit BCI Farmers.

By using a system of Mass-Balance, BCI is able to reach more farmers, meaning more sustainable practices are being implemented around the world. Retailers pay a fee to BCI dependant on the volume of cotton they source as Better Cotton. BCI is then able to channel that money directly back into field level activities, such as training, assurance and reaching more cotton farmers. There are challenges in cotton production that need addressing today, and unblocking barriers to the demand of Better Cotton will enable BCI to reach our next milestone: 5 million farmers by 2020.

As cotton moves through the supply chain and is converted into different products (for example, yarn, fabric and garments), credits are also passed along the supply chain. These credits represent volumes of Better Cotton a BCI Retailer or Brand Member has ordered. We define this as ‘sourcing’ Better Cotton. Sourcing volumes are tracked by BCI’s online sourcing platform. Physically traceable Better Cotton does not end up in the hands of the retailer that placed the order, however, the farmer benefits from the demand for Better Cotton in equivalent volumes to that ‘sourced’.



The BioRe® certification stands for the world’s highest standards for organic cotton and fair trading.

Products with the bioRe® Sustainable Textiles certification adhere to the following standards:
- Adhere to the highest Organic Cotton and Fair Trade standards worldwide
- GMO free
- Traded fairly with purchase guarantees and premiums
- Environmentally friendly and toxic-free production
- CO2 neutral
- 100% traceable

Since bioRe® is a recognized standard system, it is socially accountable, auditable and verifiable. The objective assessment and verification is done by an independent third-party conformity body. The exclusive license holder is Remei AG, which guarantees 100% traceability in the whole production and value chain. In each phase of production, strict audits are in place to ensure social, ecological and quality compliance.The development of the bioRe® Social and Environmental Standard® for cotton was commissioned to FLO-Cert, the most renowned internationally accredited social certification body, for its expertise in social standard settings.

Blue Angel


The Blue Angel is a label initiated by the German government and awarded by an independent Jury to products that are environmentally friendlier than others serving the same use. It is to assist consumers in their purchase decisions. The ecolabel was founded in 1978 and has proven itself over the past 40 years as a reliable guide for a more sustainable consumption.

Products and services that are awarded the Blue Angel are more environmentally friendly than comparable, conventional products and services. The Blue Angel guarantees that the products and services meet high demands in terms of environmental, health and usage properties. The entire life cycle must always be considered in the assessment. For each product group, criteria are developed that the products and services marked with the Blue Angel must meet. In order to reflect technical developments, the Federal Environment Agency reviews the criteria every three to four years. In this way, companies are challenged to make their products more and more environmentally friendly.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is the owner of the label. It defines the fundamental guidelines for the award of the Blue Angel and appoints the members of the Environmental Label Jury. The experts at the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) develop the specialist criteria that a product or service must comply with in order to be certified with the Blue Angel. It also regularly checks the criteria to ensure they conform to the latest technological standards. The Environmental Label Jury is an independent, impartial and voluntary body that ensures the reliability of the Blue Angel. It decides which new product groups are added and discusses and approves the Basic Award Criteria proposed by the UBA. This decision-making body comprises 15 representatives from environmental and consumer associations, trade unions, industry, the trade, crafts, local authorities, academia, the media, churches, young people and the German federal states. As an independent organisation, RAL gGmbH (a non-profit private limited company) checks compliance with the requirements after the submission of the product-specific application by a company and concludes contracts on the use of the Blue Angel with the companies.

Bluesign System Partner


A bluesign® system partner ensures that increasingly less hazardous material is released into the environment. They strive to use only smart chemicals and act responsibly. Each year, they save volumes of water that could fill multiple mountain lakes. Thousands of households can be supplied with the energy they save. The carbon footprint is reduced daily. They are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system. Their aim is:

- To be a responsibly acting party of the textile supply chain
- To continuously improve their the environmental performance
- To focuse on a sustainable future

bluesign® system partners are committed to applying the bluesign® system which unites the entire textile supply chain to jointly reduce its impact on people and the environment. The Input Stream Management ensures that bluesign® approved chemical products and raw materials are used in all steps of the manufacturing process. Substances posing risks to people and the environment are hence eliminated from the very beginning. On-site inspections verify the proper application of such chemical products and raw materials in controlled processes and ensure the responsible use of resources.

The bluesign® system inlcudes a Chemicals Change Management to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, traceability and transparency along the whole supply chains in terms of what chemicals are used and access to verified data regarding other system partners. The branch-specific services of bluesign® make sustainability simple and practice-oriented. Chemical suppliers, textile manufacturers and brands along the entire production and delivery chain benefit from the services and effective network they provide. In being a system partner and part of the bluesign® system, they:

- increase the sustainability performance of their products and companies,
- minimize risks for people and the environment and thus their company’s risks,
- build trust and a positive image.

Bluesign® APPROVED


A bluesign® system partner ensures that increasingly less hazardous material is released into the environment. They strive to use only smart chemicals and act responsibly. Each year, they save volumes of water that could fill multiple mountain lakes. Thousands of households can be supplied with the energy they save. The carbon footprint is reduced daily. They are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system. Their aim is:

- To be a responsibly acting party of the textile supply chain
- To continuously improve their the environmental performance
- To focuse on a sustainable future

bluesign® system partners are committed to applying the bluesign® system which unites the entire textile supply chain to jointly reduce its impact on people and the environment. The Input Stream Management ensures that bluesign® approved chemical products and raw materials are used in all steps of the manufacturing process. Substances posing risks to people and the environment are hence eliminated from the very beginning. On-site inspections verify the proper application of such chemical products and raw materials in controlled processes and ensure the responsible use of resources.

The bluesign® system inlcudes a Chemicals Change Management to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, traceability and transparency along the whole supply chains in terms of what chemicals are used and access to verified data regarding other system partners. The branch-specific services of bluesign® make sustainability simple and practice-oriented. Chemical suppliers, textile manufacturers and brands along the entire production and delivery chain benefit from the services and effective network they provide. In being a system partner and part of the bluesign® system, they:

- increase the sustainability performance of their products and companies,
- minimize risks for people and the environment and thus their company’s risks,
- build trust and a positive image.

Bluesign® PRODUCT


A bluesign® system partner ensures that increasingly less hazardous material is released into the environment. They strive to use only smart chemicals and act responsibly. Each year, they save volumes of water that could fill multiple mountain lakes. Thousands of households can be supplied with the energy they save. The carbon footprint is reduced daily. They are responsibly acting parties of the textile value chain committed to applying the bluesign® system. Their aim is:

- To be a responsibly acting party of the textile supply chain
- To continuously improve their the environmental performance
- To focuse on a sustainable future

bluesign® system partners are committed to applying the bluesign® system which unites the entire textile supply chain to jointly reduce its impact on people and the environment. The Input Stream Management ensures that bluesign® approved chemical products and raw materials are used in all steps of the manufacturing process. Substances posing risks to people and the environment are hence eliminated from the very beginning. On-site inspections verify the proper application of such chemical products and raw materials in controlled processes and ensure the responsible use of resources.

The bluesign® system inlcudes a Chemicals Change Management to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, traceability and transparency along the whole supply chains in terms of what chemicals are used and access to verified data regarding other system partners. The branch-specific services of bluesign® make sustainability simple and practice-oriented. Chemical suppliers, textile manufacturers and brands along the entire production and delivery chain benefit from the services and effective network they provide. In being a system partner and part of the bluesign® system, they:

- increase the sustainability performance of their products and companies,
- minimize risks for people and the environment and thus their company’s risks,
- build trust and a positive image.

Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability (CSCB)


It is the first program that fixes the Brazilian leather sector’s commitment with good sustainable practices. CSCB takes the triple bottom line into consideration and has four principles:

1. **Economic Principles** including Production Performance, Product Performance and economic Impact
2. **Environmental Principals** including Compliance with the applicable legal requirements, Traceability, Control of restricted substances, Management of Water Consumption, Management of Energy Consumption, Production Processes, Waste Management, Treatment of Liquid Effluents, Management of Atmospheric Emissions
3. **Social Principles** including Compliance with the applicable legal requirements, Internal Public, External Suppliers, Fair Competition Practices, Customers, Involvement with the local community, government & society
4. **Sustainability Principles** including a Sustainability Management System

The label has four levels that a company can reach depending on how many indicators of the principles are fulfilled:

BRONZE SEAL: Minimum of 50% of applicable indicators met in all dimensions.

SILVER SEAL: Minimum of 75% of applicable indicators met in all dimensions.

GOLD SEAL: Minimum of 90% of applicable indicators met in all dimensions.

DIAMOND SEAL: 100% of applicable indicators met in all dimensions.

Carbon Footprint Standard


The Carbon Footprint Standard is an internationally recognised standard for demonstrating low carbon credentials. It is a unified and independent method to manage carbon and energy that recognises all stages of carbon management - from assessment, to carbon reductions and carbon neutrality. It is applicable to organisations, businesses, products, projects, services and events.

There are 3 levels of the standard:
1. Carbon Footprint Standard - Assessed
2. Carbon Footprint Standard - Reduced
3. Carbon Footprint Standard - Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral Certification


The Carbon Neutral Certificate is awarded to organisations and sites that meet the strict criteria for carbon neutrality. The Carbon Neutral Product Certificate is awarded to specific products or services. The label can be used on the product to communicate its sustainability credentials. A carbon neutral footprint is one where the sum of the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) produced is offset by natural carbon sinks and/or carbon credits. The carbon neutral label can be used on the product to communicate its sustainability credentials.

These certifications demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to sustainability, reduction of carbon emissions and the support of environmental projects. They are based on the PAS 2060, which is an internationally recognised specification for carbon neutrality. It sets out requirements for quantification, reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Carbon Trust, the company who awards these certificates provides robust auditing with independent insight and constructive feedback. The company works with internationally recognised standard, such as ISO14064, ISO 14067, ISAE 3000, as well as their Carbon Trust Standard.

Carbon Trust translates the emission-creating activities into CO2 equivalents (CO2e). It measures the annual emissions generated by the burning of fossil fuels, power used from the grid, business travel and waste, which is called a carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is used as a basis for the number of carbon credits necessary to offset the impact a business creates in a year. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies and other reduction strategies. Organizations that offset their entire carbon footprint are then considered Carbon Neutral.

NOTE: there are different companies that award carbon neutral certificates (Carbon Trust, Verus Carbon Neutral, CarbonCare).

Carbon Neutralized


Control Union cerifies carbon neutralized businesses based on the PAS 2060:10, the world’s most acknowledged Carbon neutral standard. It is not only required for offsetting, but also for internal reduction.

Carbon Reduction Label


The Carbon Reduction Label is a public commitment that the carbon footprint of a product or service has been measured and certified, and the owner of the product or service has committed to reduce that footprint over the following two years. The footprint that has been calculated will have been rigorously measured and be comparable based on the PAS2050 standard and Footprint Expert™. This will have a been full life cycle assessment including production, use and disposal. The certification must be undertaken again after two years and prove that real reductions have been made.

Carbon Trust has developed a range of product carbon footprint labels that demonstrate various attributes:
- CO2 Measured: a product’s carbon footprint has been measured and certified
- Reducing CO2: that there is a commitment to reduce a product’s carbon footprint, or there has been a reduction in a product’s carbon footprint, plus a commitment to achieve ongoing footprint reductions.
- Lower Carbon: that the certified lifecycle carbon footprint of a product, or group of products, is/are significantly lower than the market dominant product.
- Carbon Neutral: that a product’s carbon footprint has been reduced and any outstanding emissions are offset.

CarbonFree® Certified


The CarbonFree® Product Certification label by CarbonFund that is awarded to companies that are compensating for their carbon footprint. It is aimed at increasing awareness of product emissions. The label was created in response to the growing market for eco-friendly products and consumer demand for transparent, credible and readily accessible information at the point of purchase. By determining a product’s carbon footprint, reducing that footprint where possible, and offsetting the remaining carbon emissions associated with the product, has created a meaningful, credible and environmentally beneficial way for businesses to provide carbon-neutral products to their customers.

The Carbonfree® Product Certification program uses life cycle assessments (LCAs) to determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over a product’s entire life cycle. GHG emissions (expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents) that cannot be reduced or eliminated from the product’s life cycle are offset or ‘neutralized’ with third-party validated renewable energy, energy efficiency and forestry carbon offset projects.

A carbon offset is a verifiable reduction in carbon emissions somewhere in the world other than where the emission is generated. These external reductions offer clean energy transformation (e.g. wind, solar), sequestration (e.g. forestry) and clean technology (e.g. energy efficiency). The projects also offer a range of benefits including conservation, clean water, job creation and innovation. Credits are generated when a project is verified and registered – allowing companies to purchase these credits and offset the emissions produced in the manufacturing and use of their products. These credits are then permanently ‘retired’ on behalf of the product/company.

Carbonfree® certified products earn the use of the Carbonfree® mark along with being listed in the online product certification database. The Carbonfree® mark can be found on a variety of products today, including foods, beverages, electronics and apparel.

To assure consistency in evaluating the carbon footprint of Carbonfree® Products, the program protocol requires a “cradle-to-grave” product carbon footprint assessment report that is compliant with one or more of the following standards:
- World Resources Institute/World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Product Accounting and Reporting Standard (2013)
- PAS 2060:2014
- ISO /TS 14067:2013
- ISO 14025:2006 Environmental Product Declaration following applicable Product
Category Rule
- ISO 14040-14044:2006 Product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – full LCA or single attribute LCA for carbon footprint only


The Foundation is a 501 not-for-profit organization based in East Aurora, New York, that provides carbon offsetting and greenhouse gas reduction options to individuals, businesses, and organizations. Foundation purchases and retires certified carbon offsets on behalf of its donors.

Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW


The label ensures that

- animals are raised on pasture or range
- dual production did not take place
- only independent farmers carry it

The standards of the label address every aspect of a species needs from birth to death. AGW works diligently to maintain a farm’s ability to be economically viable. The standards are reviewed annually and updated as needed to incorporate new research and on-farm findings.

Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW is the only label that guarantees animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range for their entire lives on an independent farm using truly sustainable, high-welfare farming practices. It is the only label in the **U.S.** to require audited, high-welfare production, transport and slaughter practices. It has standards for all commonly domesticated farmed animals. A number of other species are managed for meat and fiber. Other more exotic species will only be considered for accreditation if they are indigenous to the country where they are being produced.

AGW’s independent trained auditors visit every farm in the program at least once a year to verify they’re meeting the standards. A Greener World’s ISO/IEC Guide 17065 accreditation guarantees independence and impartiality, offering an unrivaled level of integrity and consumer trust in the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW logo.

**About A Greener World (AGW)**

As an independent, non-profit certifier, AGW supports working farmers and ranchers with a respected third-party certification, realistic production guidance and marketing support for their AGW-certified products.

Its standards were developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers across the globe to maximize practicable, high-welfare farm management, and are publicly available online.

All AGW certifications are free of charge but applicants have to pay a one-time, non-refundable fee
for all programs. The Schedule of Fees of the independent, non-profit certifier can be found here: [](

Certified Carbon Neutral - Product


The Carbon Neutral Certificate is awarded to organisations and sites that meet the strict criteria for carbon neutrality. The Carbon Neutral Product Certificate is awarded to specific products or services. The label can be used on the product to communicate its sustainability credentials. A carbon neutral footprint is one where the sum of the greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) produced is offset by natural carbon sinks and/or carbon credits. The carbon neutral label can be used on the product to communicate its sustainability credentials.

These certifications demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to sustainability, reduction of carbon emissions and the support of environmental projects. They are based on the PAS 2060, which is an internationally recognised specification for carbon neutrality. It sets out requirements for quantification, reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Carbon Trust, the company who awards these certificates provides robust auditing with independent insight and constructive feedback. The company works with internationally recognised standard, such as ISO14064, ISO 14067, ISAE 3000, as well as their Carbon Trust Standard.

Carbon Trust translates the emission-creating activities into CO2 equivalents (CO2e). It measures the annual emissions generated by the burning of fossil fuels, power used from the grid, business travel and waste, which is called a carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is used as a basis for the number of carbon credits necessary to offset the impact a business creates in a year. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies and other reduction strategies. Organizations that offset their entire carbon footprint are then considered Carbon Neutral.

NOTE: there are different companies that award carbon neutral certificates (Carbon Trust, Verus Carbon Neutral, CarbonCare).

Certified Grassfed by AGW


The label guarantees food products come from animals fed a 100 percent grass and forage diet, raised outdoors on pasture or range and managed according to the highest welfare and environmental standards on an independent farm. It is an optional addition to the [Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW]( In order for animals to be approved as Certified Grassfed by AGW they must also be approved under the AWA species specific standards.

The label includes the following categorizations:

- Feeding Grassfed Animals
- Pasture access for Grassfed Animals
- Source and records for Grassfed animals
- Additional standards for Grassfed Cow Dairy farms
- Rearing Dairy Calves
- Land Management

For a detailed description of these categories AGW published the pdf: [](

**About A Greener World (AGW)**

As an independent, non-profit certifier, AGW supports working farmers and ranchers with a respected third-party certification, realistic production guidance and marketing support for their AGW-certified products.

Its standards were developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers across the globe to maximize practicable, high-welfare farm management, and are publicly available online.

All AGW certifications are free of charge but applicants have to pay a one-time, non-refundable fee
for all programs. The Schedule of Fees of the independent, non-profit certifier can be found here: [](

Certified Non-GMO by AGW


The Label is designed to differentiate non-GMO products from their GMO counterparts. It is available to farmers, ranchers and food producers and guarantees that:

- food products are produced **without** genetically engineered/modified feed, supplements or ingredients
- meat, dairy and eggs come from animals raised according to the highest animal welfare standards in the industry.

The label can only be applied to those that got or are in the process of getting the [Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW](

The independent audits apply the label standards to the following:

- Products for human consumption such as crops, meat, eggs, and dairy
- Ingredients used in the production of food products such as processing aids, livestock feeds, and silage inoculants
- Ingredients intended for human use such as cosmetics and clothing

For the purpose of these, gene editing and gene silencing are also considered genetic modification and are prohibited. AGW also sees emerging biotechnology as risk to our food system. Therefore, every technology in this area will be considered “GMO,” and as such, the standards of the label apply accordingly.

The standards are categorized in nine chapters and cover the following topics:

- [Transition periods](
- [Inputs for livestock, crop production and processing](
- [Testing](
- [Types of testing](
- [Testing protocols](
- [Land where GMO crops have been or are grown](
- [Avoidance of contamination](
- [Further processed products](
- [Labeling](
- [Complaints](

Consumers can find a detailed description on the corresponding [website](


As public concern for the labeling of GMOs (genetically modified organisms, also known as GE, or genetically engineered) continues to grow, the market for non-GMO products is surging 17% annually and expected to reach 1.1 billion USD by 2023, according to industry analyst, Technavio. Consumers seek out non-GMO products for a variety of reasons, including environmental sustainability, health, corporate consolidation and transparency. A lack of clear labeling around GMOs means that consumers must actively seek out Certified Non-GMO products to avoid them. With independent annual audits to ensure compliance, Certified Non-GMO by AGW provides farmers, ranchers and food producers with a robust, trusted and highly competitive non-GMO label claim.

**About A Greener World (AGW)**

As an independent, non-profit certifier, AGW supports working farmers and ranchers with a respected third-party certification, realistic production guidance and marketing support for their AGW-certified products.

Its standards were developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers across the globe to maximize practicable, high-welfare farm management, and are publicly available online.

All AGW certifications are free of charge but applicants have to pay a one-time, non-refundable fee
for all programs. The Schedule of Fees of the independent, non-profit certifier can be found here: [](

China Environmental Labelling


China Environmental Label was initiated by SEPA in 1993. It provides environmental standards for construction materials, textiles, vehicles, cosmetics, electronics, packaging, and more. China Environmental Labelling represents that the product not only is quality qualified but also meets the specific requirements of environmental protection during producing, using and disposal. This has the environmental advantage of low toxicity, less harm to the planet and saving resources comparing with other similar products.

Third-party orgnizations authorized by the Chinese Government inspect products’ envioronmental performance and products’ manufacturing process according to environmental standards, technology requirements and other regulations. The China Environmental Label logo helps consumer know which products meet the requirements of environmental protection and which products are better for the environment.



This product has been designed to be circular in order to ensure longevity and recycling at end-of-life.

Cleaner Cotton


The Sustainable Cotton Project works with California cotton growers to reduce the harmful impacts of pesticide use from cotton production on the air, water and soil in the region and to market the cotton they grow in the project as Cleaner Cotton™. Cleaner Cotton farmers receive a modest premium, paid directly to the farmer to help support these practices. The Cleaner Cotton fibers are tracked from field to spinner, using the USDA Permanent Bale Identification barcode and data. GMO is permitted but sold separately from non-GMO. Disallows the use of the 11 most toxic chemicals* used in cotton in California – unless pests threaten to cause economic loss, or other lower- risk options are exhausted. IPM and biological alternatives encouraged. Up to 50% reduction in chemical inputs over conventional.

Climate Action Reserve


The Climate Action Reserve is a premier carbon offset registry for the North American carbon market. The Reserve establishes high quality standards for carbon offset projects, oversees independent third-party verification bodies, issues carbon credits generated from such projects and tracks the transaction of credits over time in a transparent, publicly-accessible system.

Climate Friendly


Actions have been taken to reduce the carbon footprint of this product. This includes direct measures in the supply chain as well as offsetting initiatives.

Climate Friendly


Climate Friendly is a company that manages carbon credits through supporting rural, regional and remote Australians (such as farmers and foresters) and regenerating landscape through carbon farming. Climate Friendly manages around one fifth of all projects registered under the national Carbon Farming Initiative, and our projects currently span an area the size of Italy. Every audited project we’ve undertaken has successfully passed independent review.

Climate Neutral Certified


Climate Neutral is a nonprofit organization working to decrease global carbon emissions. Their certification helps consumers to choose brands with net zero carbon emissions. They also help the brands to get there with their tool set.

They plan to achieve their goal by getting brands to measure, offset, and reduce the carbon they emit. They believe consumers and brands must work together to drive the world toward the zero net emissions future that science tells us we urgently need.

A brand gets certified when it achieves zero net carbon emissions for all of the carbon it creates while making and delivering its products or services for a year. The Climate Neutral Certified label makes it easy for consumers to find certified brands.

ClimatePartner Certified


ClimatePartner is a solution provider in climate protection for companies: from carbon footprints and climate action strategies all the way to climate neutral products with the support of international carbon offset projects. They offer projects in different regions and with different technologies and standards; in each case, the additional social effects of the projects are particularly important to them. In doing so, they are guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

ClimatePartner combines individual consulting with cloud-based software to help their clients calculate and reduce CO2 emissions and offset unavoidable emissions. In this way, products and companies become climate neutral. The ClimatePartner label guarantees transparency and traceability in climate action - certified by TÜV Austria, the Austrian technical inspection authority.



The Climatop label certifies products and services that generate significantly less greenhouse gas than comparable products. Climatop is a registered certification mark from myclimate, which was founded in 2008 by the Ökozentrum and myclimate. It designates especially climate-friendly products and services from all sectors of the economy both in B2C and B2B markets. The label is awarded to products and services that release significantly less greenhouse gas.

The certification is based on a life cycle assessment. This records all the climate-relevant emissions generated by a product, from the extraction of raw materials to manufacture, transport, use and finally disposal. These emissions are compared with those of similar products.

The assessment is complemented by a study of the environmental sustainability. Only products that do not have a greater impact on the environment than their competitors qualify for the label. The most climate-friendly products are finally certified. The carbon footprints of the products are based on international standards (ISO 14040) and verified by an independent expert.

Independent organizations calculate life cycle assessments (LCA) of the products according to the standard ISO 14040. The label is valid for two years.

Compostability Mark 'The Seedling' by European Bioplastics


European bioplastics has initiated The Seedling - a label for compostability. The Seedling-label is an established and accepted identifier in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, and beyond. The logo and the certificate number printed on the product assists in the decision on purchasing and disposing a product (packaging). The certification process is offered by Belgian certifier TÜV Austria Belgium and German certifier DIN CERTCO. When successfully certified, the product will fully biodegrade in an industrial composting plant under controlled conditions such as temperature, moisture and time frame – leaving nothing behind but water, biomass and CO2.

Biodegradable and compostable products should be certified according to EN 13432 / 14995 standards. Independent third party certification ensures conformity of the product with the referenced standards and certification stipulations.

Conten Claim Standard


The Content Claim Standard (CCS) is the foundation of all Textile Exchange standards. It is a chain of custody standard that provides companies with a tool to verify that one or more specific input materials are in a final product.

Certification to the CCS verifies the chain of custody principles are followed in each stage of production.
Tracks the flow of raw material from source to the final product.
Addresses product flow, documentation, volume reconciliations, and segregation of materials and products.
Based on scope and transaction certificates for maximum levels of verification and tracking.

Content Claim Standard (CCS)


The CCS (Content Claim Standard) is a tool that verifies the presence and amount of a given material in a final product. It tracks the flow of a material from the source to the final product and is certified by an accredited third party. It allows for transparent, consistent, comprehensive and independent evaluation and verification of material content claims on products. This includes companies in ginning, spinning, weaving and knitting, dyeing and printing and stitching. Each organisation along the supply chain is checked by an independent third party. Any type of input material may be claimed. The CCS is the foundation for all of Textile Exchange’s chain of custody standards.

Content Claim Standard (CCS) - Transaction


The CCS (Content Claim Standard) is a tool that verifies the presence and amount of a given material in a final product. It tracks the flow of a material from the source to the final product and is certified by an accredited third party. It allows for transparent, consistent, comprehensive and independent evaluation and verification of material content claims on products. This includes companies in ginning, spinning, weaving and knitting, dyeing and printing and stitching. Each organisation along the supply chain is checked by an independent third party. Any type of input material may be claimed. The CCS is the foundation for all of Textile Exchange’s chain of custody standards.

The CCS is a scope certificate. Therefore to show it on product level, users need to request a Transaction Certificate of this standard and link it to one or more of their products to show it on product level. For more information on how retraced distinguishes between scope and transaction certificates, check our knowledgebase.

Control Union (CU) Fair Choice


The Control Union social and fair trade standard - CU Fair Choice - is based on the development of human, social, environmental and economic principles.To become certified, companies must demonstrate compliance with the criteria listed in the standard.
Being certified by CU Fair Choice is a guarantee that companies are committed to sustainable development and the improvement of social conditions, meeting the demands of a growing number of environmentally conscious consumers.

CU Fair Choice has developed its criteria to bring together CU’s experience of auditing different organisations around the world, based on the following principles:
- Social - compliance with ILO conventions and national legislation.
- Environmental – natural resources, water, waste and biodiversity management.
- Fair Trade and management systems (optional).
- Economic – transparency.

Control Union (CU) Fair Choice - Option 2 incl. FairTrade


The Control Union social and fair trade standard - CU Fair Choice - is based on the development of human, social, environmental and economic principles.To become certified, companies must demonstrate compliance with the criteria listed in the standard.
Being certified by CU Fair Choice is a guarantee that companies are committed to sustainable development and the improvement of social conditions, meeting the demands of a growing number of environmentally conscious consumers.

CU Fair Choice has developed its criteria to bring together CU’s experience of auditing different organisations around the world, based on the following principles:
- Social - compliance with ILO conventions and national legislation.
- Environmental – natural resources, water, waste and biodiversity management.
- Fair Trade and management systems (optional).
- Economic – transparency.

Corporate Environmental Footprint (CEF)


The Corporate Environmental Footprint (CEF) certification is a standard for determining and controlling your corporate sustainability and governance.

Cotton Leads


Cotton LEADS is a program born out of partnership between the Australian and U.S. cotton industries. The goal: engage and connect businesses across the global supply chain with the leading efforts in sustainable cotton sourcing and production.

Their mission is to advance sustainable cotton sourcing and production through connecting textile manufacturers, brands and retailers. In doing so, they offer them opportunities to support cotton growers’ sustainability efforts and share data, resources and technologies globally for the benefit of improving cotton around the world without adding costs and complexity to downstream users in the supply chain. This approach is an effective way to drive large-scale, continuous improvements that are accessible to the greatest number of cotton growers and downstream businesses.

When buying a product with this certificate customers can be sure that the raw material was sustainably produced. The cotton used is grown with robust government and industry oversight, ensuring that worker, consumer and environment safety is prioritized during production.

They also support life cycle assessments, reliable traceability systems and third-party measurement and verification – so everybody can be confident in choosing sustainably sourced cotton.

### The guiding principles

- **COMMITMENT** to sustainably balance social, economic, and environmental factors
- **RECOGNITION** that we must continue to improve, invest, research and implement best practices
- **UNDERSTANDING** that working at a national level drives large-scale improvements
- **BELIEF** in working cooperatively to advance sustainable cotton sourcing and production
- **CONFIDENCE** in transparent and traceable cotton identification systems

Cotton Made in Africa (CmiA)


The Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) and the Cotton made in Africa-Organic (CmiA-Organic) standard were designed to improve the living conditions of African smallholders and promote environmentally friendly cotton production. In order to maintain this value proposition, standards with social, environmental, and economic criteria were developed. The criteria of CmiA standards reflect the actual sustainability requirements for growing and processing cotton in the participating African partner countries from the field to the gin.

Compliance with the criteria of CmiA standards by cotton farmers, cotton companies, and the gins is regularly verified. CmiA commissions independent and qualified organizations to conduct the verification.
Regularly scheduled verification of the Cotton made in Africa standards ensure that the exclusion criteria are adhered to, and reviews the continuous improvement in compliance with CmiA sustainability requirements.

The CmiA standards, their criteria, and the generic verification system to monitor the standards were designed by experts involving all key stakeholders in the Cotton made in Africa initiative. These include the African cotton companies as well as social, environmental and development cooperation institutions, such as the NABU, Welthungerhilfe, or World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Wageningen University in the Netherlands, and the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The verification system is subject to regular review and further development by a Technical Advisory Board composed of experts from NGOs, the industry, and cotton producers.

The two-tier requirements issued by the CmiA standards contain exclusion criteria that determine whether the smallholder farmers and cotton companies may generally participate in the Cotton made in Africa program. In addition, they must adhere to a range of sustainability criteria. They do not need to meet them all immediately, but they are required to develop improvement plans and to demonstrate the progress in development towards sustainable production. Using a traffic light system, the implementation status is awarded a ""red"", ""yellow"", or ""green"" rating, with green representing sustainable management.

Cotton Made in Africa Mass Balance (CmiA MB)


The Cotton made in Africa standard can be implemented with two systems – CmiA Hard Identity Preserved System (HIP) or CmiA Mass Balance System (MB). Most of the CmiA retail partners are producing according to the latter one.

What does this certification state?
Products being indicated as CmiA Mass Balance were produced with a Mass Balance approach. That means that CmiA cotton may have been used but not in the normal production line with other, conventional cotton. as it does not have to be treated separately. CmiA MB yarns can be produced using any cotton available; the CmiA cotton does not have to be physically included in the yarn.

Who is behind the certification?
Cotton made in Africa is an initiative of the Aid by Trade Foundation. Their goal is to help people help themselves, via trade rather than donations, to improve the living and working conditions and protect our planet. They work with a wide-ranging network in cotton-growing countries, including numerous partners throughout the textile value chain as well as both governmental and non-governmental organisations, to ensure the implementation of the standard and the proper processing of certified raw materials throughout the world.

Cradle to Cradle Certified (C2C certified)


Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a globally recognized measure of safer, more sustainable products made for the circular economy.

Product designers, manufacturers and brands around the world rely on the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard as a transformative pathway for designing and making products with a positive impact on people and planet. A growing number of brands, organizations and standards recognize Cradle to Cradle Certified as a preferred product standard for responsible purchasing decisions.

Currently in its third iteration, the Cradle to Cradle Certified Product Standard is rooted in the Cradle to Cradle® design principles established by William McDonough and Dr. Michael Braungart. Standard requirements are developed through a stakeholder engagement process with input from technical experts, market leaders and the public.

To receive certification, products are assessed for environmental and social performance across five critical sustainability categories: material health, material reuse, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. A product is assigned an achievement level (Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) for each category. A product’s lowest category achievement also represents its overall certification level. The standard encourages continuous improvement over time by awarding certification on the basis of ascending levels of achievement and requiring certification renewal every two years.



Downpass is a standard and label that guarantees high quality and the certainty that down and feathers used as filling material are ethically sourced and come from tightly controlled and traceable supply chains. In addition, the quality of all products is monitored by independent testing institutes.

Three accredited testing and auditing organizations and another accredited testing laboratory are working for DOWNPASS. All of them have various locations in Asia, Europe and North America. This ensures that short-notice as well as unannounced inspections can take place.



ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® is an independent certification system for chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries used in the textile and leather industry. During a multistep process, we analyse whether each individual ingredient in the chemical product meets the statutory requirements and that it is not harmful to human health. Both brands and manufacturers value the ECO PASSPORT as credible proof of sustainable textile and leather production.

**What does the certificate state?**

The certification system ECO PASSPORT is designed for manufacturers of process chemicals and chemical compounds. The leather and textile chemicals certified in accordance with the ECO PASSPORT have been tested for harmful substances in critical concentrations as listed in the ECO PASSPORT standard. The label also gives transparent proof of which articles meet the criteria for ecologically responsible textile and leather manufacture. Once per year, OEKO-TEX® updates the banned substances and limit values and expands them to include new scientific findings or statutory requirements.

**Which products can be certified?**

All chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries used for the manufacture of textiles and leather materials can be certified in accordance with ECO PASSPORT. This also includes industry-specific formulations (chemical compounds) for the textile, leather and clothing industry.



The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary environmental management instrument. It enables organizations to assess, manage and continuously improve their environmental performance.

What does this certification state?
EMAS-registered organisations commit to reduce their environmental impacts, from energy and water consumption to waste production. EMAS is therefore linked to many types of environmental policies on topics like biodiversity, energy efficiency, hazardous substances, climate change mitigation or air and water pollution. But it impacts also wider policy areas, which aim to increase the sustainability of organisations like Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), circular economy, eco-design and eco-labelling, green public procurement, sustainable supply chains or green finance.

Who is behind the certification?
The standard was developed by the European Commission in 1993. They are the executive of the European Union. By implementing and promoting EMAS, the Commission takes their part in reaching the goal of sustainable development.



The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label was put in place to reward French firms for the excellence of their traditional and industrial skills.

What does this certification state?

Awarded for a period of five years, the label brings together producers committed to the quality of their trades and products. EPV-labelled companies keep their production activity within France, in sectors with high added value. Most are present in international markets and thus export emblematic French know-how. They are representative of the spirit and expertise of French industry, and forge France’s economic and cultural identity.

Who is behind the certification?

The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant is a French official label, created in 2005, issued under the authority of Ministry of Economy and Finance.

EU ecolabel


The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary scheme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment and for European consumers - including public and private purchasers - to easily identify them. The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the manufacturing process. The EU Ecolabel criteria also encourages companies to develop products that are durable, easy to repair and recycle.

The EU Ecolabel criteria provide exigent guidelines for companies looking to lower their environmental impact and guarantee the efficiency of their environmental actions through third party controls.

Key experts, in consultation with main stakeholders, develop the criteria for each product group in order to decrease the main environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of the product. Because the life cycle of every product and service is different, the criteria are tailored to address the unique characteristics of each product type.

Every four years on average, the criteria are revised to reflect technical innovation such as evolution of materials or production processes, as well as factors like emission reduction and changes in the market. Because of this, you can be sure that EU Ecolabel continues to stand for the highest environmental performance.

EU organic


The logo organic EU gives a coherent visual identity to EU produced organic products sold in the EU. Whenever the logo is used on a product, it always has to be accompanied by the code number of the control body and the place where the agricultural raw materials of which the product is composed have been farmed.

What does this certification say about the product

- At least 95% of the ingredients in the product come from organic cultivation.
- The production respects nature
- Farmed animals raised in an environment with higher animal welfare standards and fed on organic feed
- Certified food quality
- Local resources and knowledge
- No GMO
- Limitations to the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics

Institution behind the Certification

The European Commission supervises EU countries to ensure that they fulfil their responsibilities regarding organic farming and production. Every country in the European Union appoints a 'competent authority' who is ultimately responsible for making sure that EU organics rules are followed. Usually these are either a department of agriculture or a department of public health. This competent authority can delegate its role to:
- one or more private control bodies
- one or more public control authorities
- a mixed system with both private control bodies and public control authorities.

Farmers, processors or traders must be checked by a control body or control authority before they can market their products as organic. Once they have been checked and found compliant, they receive a certificate confirming that they meet the EU requirements.

Eco Mark


The Eco Mark is awarded to products with relatively less environmental impact compared to similar products, during their entire life cycle, from extracting and collecting the product materials, to the manufacturing, distribution, use and consumption, disposal, and recycling. After screening eco-friendly products submitted for approval by manufacturers, the JEA certifies and publicizes products qualifying for the Eco Mark.

1) minimal environmental impact from usage
2) significant potential for improvement of the environment by product usage
3) minimal environmental impact from disposal after usage
4) other significant contributions to environmental improvements

EcoStep 5.1


General Info

EcoStep 5.1 is a practice-oriented alternative to the conventional ISO standards. It uses the most important standard requirements of the following three standards from an SME perspective and combines them in one system: ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.

What does this certification state?

Companies certified have shown that they have safe processes in place that follow the global ISO standards for quality management, environmental management and occupational health and safety.

Who is behind the certification?

In 2003, EcoStep was developed together with companies from Umweltalianz Hessen, their cooperation partners and the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and further developed and optimised to the point of certifiability within the framework of an EU-LIFE project (2004-2007). Since then, the network consisting of regional partners and advisors as well as companies and ministries has been growing steadily. At the same time, the system is continuously developed further by the coordination office EcoStep c/o RKW Bremen GmbH and adapted to changing market needs.

Environmental Engagement


This is a placeholder for any kind of enviromental engagement.

Environmental Impact Measurement (EIM)


EIM, Environmental Impact Measurement, is a unique and powerful platform developed to monitor environmental impact of garment finishing processes in an efficient and economically viable way. It is a self-accreditation tool aimed to improve environmental performance of jeans finishing at the manufacturing stage.
EIM software is specific for the garment finishing industry. It has been created to provide laundries and garment finishers, all over the world, not only Jeanologia’s clients, with an instrument to help them build more sustainable processes.

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)


The Ethical Trading Initiative is an independent body which monitors member NGOs and companies’ supply chains in accordance with an ethical code. The organisation was founded on 9 June 1998, with the intention of changing the lives of workers in companies’ supply chains.

All corporate members of ETI agree to adopt the ETI Base Code of labour practice, which is based on the standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Together they work out the most effective steps the company can take to implement the Base Code in their supply chains.
The Base Code entails:
1. Employment is freely chosen
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
4. Child labour shall not be used
5. Living wages are paid
5. Working hours are not excessive
7. No discrimination is practiced
8. Regular employment is provided
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

European Flax


European Flax Standard


General Info

Products labeled with the EUROPEAN FLAX® certificate ensure through guaranteed traceability that they are made out of premium linen fibres grown in Western Europe. A natural sustainable fibre, cultivated without irrigation and GMO free.

What does this certification state?

The creation of products labeled with EUROPEAN FLAX® can be traced back through the supply chain since it relies on chain of custody traceability. This means that every stage of the supply chain taking possession of the material, including processing and trading steps until the finished product manufacturer, must be certified to ensure material traceability. Only products produced/traded by a certified company and are made of flax/linen supplies that are 100% certified, and has a final composition ≥50% flax/linen can carry this label.

Who is behind the certification?

The EUROPEAN FLAX® certificate is maintained by the CELC (The European Confederation of Flax and Hemp). They are a European agro-industrial organisation federating all the stages of production and transformation of flax and hemp. Their goal is to create an environment conducive to industrial enterprise competitiveness following a three-pronged approach comprising information, defence and promotion. This internationally-focused multichannel strategy shall stimulate innovation and builds on the performance of natural fibres with proven environmental qualities.

European Vegetarian Union V-label


The V-Label is an internationally recognised, registered symbol for labelling vegan and vegetarian products and services.

What does this certification say about the product The label ensures the content of the products does not contain animals or parts of animals. It is suitable for food and other products created with the help of living animals and animal-derived products are considered vegetarian. Products declared as containing GMOs or eggs from caged hens cannot be licensed. The verification process considers all production and processing steps.

The institution behind the Certification The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) is a non-profit, non-governmental umbrella organisation for vegetarian societies and groups in Europe. The union works in the areas of vegetarianism, nutrition, health, consumer protection, the campaign for animal rights, ecology, general information and against world hunger.

European Water Stewardship (EWS)


The EWS (European Water Stewardship) certification scheme provides bronze, silver and gold awards as powerful communication tools for a job well done.

It is based on 4 principles:
1. Achieve and maintain sustainable water abstraction in terms of water quantity
2. Ensure the achievement and maintenance of good water status in terms of chemical quality
and biological elements
3. Restore and preserve water-cycle related High Conservation Value (HCV) areas.
4. Achieve equitable and transparent water governance.

Fair Band


Fair Band is a German association of importers who work in the fair trade sector. Its members are companies and organizations that import and distribute fair trade products from the Global South, ensuring that these goods meet ethical standards regarding working conditions, environmental sustainability, and fair prices for producers.

Key Points about Fair Band:

Representation of Fair Trade Importers: Fair Band represents the interests of fair trade importers in Germany. It advocates for fair trade principles and supports its members in adhering to these values throughout their supply chains.

Advocacy and Networking: Fair Band engages in political lobbying and advocacy to promote fair trade policies and strengthen global justice. It also facilitates networking opportunities among its members, helping them collaborate and share best practices.

Support for Small-Scale Producers: The organization emphasizes working with small-scale producers in the Global South, ensuring that these producers are paid fairly, operate under decent working conditions, and follow environmentally sustainable practices.

Fair Trade Standards: Members of Fair Band must adhere to strict fair trade criteria, ensuring transparency and fairness in their trading relationships. This includes supporting long-term trading partnerships, providing advance payments, and promoting community development.

In summary, Fair Band plays a vital role in the fair trade movement by supporting and advocating for fair trade importers, ensuring that products sold under the fair trade label adhere to high ethical and sustainability standards.

FAIRTRADE Sourced Ingredient (FSI)


FSC ® - Forest Stewardship Council ®


Forest Management Certification is a mark for responsible forestry and gives assurance for timber products originating from a forest are managed in a responsible and sustainable way

FSC® - Forest Stewardship Council®


FSC® - Forest Stewardship Council® - Transaction


Fair Labor Association (FLA)


The Fair Labor Association brings together three key constituencies - universities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and companies - to find sustainable solutions to systemic labor issues. Since 1999, FLA has helped improve workers’ lives by:
- Holding affiliated companies accountable for implementing FLA’s Code of Conduct across their supply chains.
- Conducting external assessments so that consumers can be assured of the integrity of the products they buy.
- Creating a space for CSOs to engage with companies and other stakeholders to find viable solutions to labor concerns.

The FLA maintains principles for responsible sourcing and responsible production to uphold and protect workers’ rights. These fair labor principles are rooted in international labor standards and provide foundational guidance for companies to apply in their systems and operations. When a company joins the FLA its leadership makes a commitment to the Principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing and/or the Principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Production and agrees to uphold the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct in its supply chain. Affiliated companies are assessed regularly against the principles. A company that adheres to the principles and benchmarks may be accredited by the FLA.

Fair Payment


Workers are paid above the local living wage in order to meet the basics needs of living for themselves and their families.

Fair TSA


The FairTSA Fair Trade Basic Standard covers agricultural products and processing as well as cosmetics. The Fair Trade Basic standard complies with the requirements of the International Standardization Organization (ISO). The standard attempts to combine firm
and clear requirements with enough flexibility to cover culturally diverse situations. For products certified under this standard, the whole supply chain in the country of origin must be certified.

Fair TSA also has other standards. The Social Responsibility Standard is based on the Basic Fair Trade standard, but has no requirements regarding community development, premiums, and long-term relationships among others. The Socially Responsible Processing for non-food processing facilities is for conventional textile factories. It covers all applicable Interntional Labor Conventions as well as the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. However, this program does not cover the whole supply chain, but only the certified facilities. The FairTSA Domestic Fair Trade Standard covers situations especially for migrant, seasonal and undocumented workers in the countries of the so-called “developed” Northern Hemisphere.

Fair Trade Certified


The Fair Trade Foundation is established in 1992 by CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Traidcraft, Global Justice Now, and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes.

When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified™ seal, you can be sure it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards. We work closely on the ground with producers and certify transactions between companies and their suppliers to ensure that the people making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and uplift their communities.

Some of the most important criteria are:
- Traders only engage in fair and transparent trading practices
- Labor laws and international conventions are respected.
- Environmental laws are respected
- Producers always receive at least the relevant market price for Fair Trade product.
- Where a Fair Trade Minimum Price is defined, producers always receive at least the Fair Trade Minimum Price for Fair Trade Certified product.
- The product price is paid in a timely and verifiable manner
- The correct amount of Fair Trade Premium is paid and reaches the producer in a timely and verifiable manner
- Transparent trade relationships and purchase agreements
- There is a system and records to ensure traceability of all Fair Trade transactions and volumes.

The Foundation is the UK member of Fairtrade International which unites over 20 labelling initiatives across Europe, Japan, North America, Mexico and Australia/New Zealand as well as networks of producer organisations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.Member organisations now also include Banana Link, All We Can, National Campaigner Committee, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, People and Planet, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, Shared Interest Foundation, Soroptimist International , Tearfund and Commitment to Life / United Reformed Church.

Fair Trade Materials


The raw materials used in this product were traded fairly and producers have been compensated accordingly.

Fair Trade USA


When you see a product with the Fair Trade Certified™ seal, you can be sure it was made according to rigorous social, environmental, and economic standards. Fair Trade USA works closely on the ground with producers and certify transactions between companies and their suppliers to ensure that the people making Fair Trade Certified goods work in safe conditions, protect the environment, build sustainable livelihoods, and earn additional money to empower and uplift their communities.

Fair Wear Foundation (FWF)


Fair Wear helps member brands create practical plans and pinpoint next steps to improve working conditions. Their member brands need to show improvement every year, and are constantly pushed and supported for creating positive change.

The basis of the collaboration between Fair Wear and a member is the Code of Labour Practices. The core of this code is made up from eight labour standards derived from ILO Conventions and the UN’s Declaration on Human Rights. This means the Fair Wear Code of Labour Practices is based on internationally recognised standards which have been set through tripartite negotiation.

1. Employment is freely chosen
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
3. There is no discrimination in employment
4. No exploitation of child labour
5. Payment of living wage
6. Reasonable hours of work
7. Safe and healthy working conditions
8. Legally binding employment relationship

Fair Working Conditions


Good management practices are implemented to ensure and continously improve the working conditions of factory workers and employees.



FairClimateFund works with partners to finance and implement climate projects. These climate projects reduce the CO2-emissions and deforestation, and improve the living conditions for people in developing countries. The FairClimateFund projects generate Gold Standard/Fairtrade Carbon Credits, that are sold for a fair price to customers who want to compensate their CO2-emissions.

Fairtrade CO2-credits are derived from Gold Standard projects that are also certified according to the Fairtrade Climate Standard. In these projects, local communities play an active role and have ownership of the project and CO2-credits. The minimumprice makes sure that the project costs are covered, and the producers receive a Fairtrade premium for each sold credit. They can invest this in projects that make them better equipped to deal with climate change.



Non-profit used clothing collectors who collect according to the FairWertung code of conduct may use the FairWertung sign. If the sign FairWertung is shown on a collection slip or used clothing container, the collection is carried out according to the code of conduct for non-profit clothing collections by FairWertung. For consumers, the sign of FairWertung is a guide if they want to donate their sorted textiles responsibly and for a good cause.

The umbrella organization FairWertung is the association of non-profit used clothing collectors in Germany. The umbrella organization itself does not collect and recycle used textiles. Rather, FairWertung has developed and implemented a binding code of conduct for non-profit clothing collections.

Fairtrade Cotton


Fairtrade works with farmers who’ve formed small producer organizations, as well as contract production organizations in the process of forming independent cooperatives to produce Fairtrade Certified Cotton. Fairtrade works with farmers to stop or reduce the usage of agrochemicals and supports them to adapt to changing climate patterns. Requirements in the Fairtrade Standards also protect farmers’ health and safety, and ban genetically modified cotton seeds. A large percentage of Fairtrade cotton is also organic certified, and Fairtrade encourages and empowers cotton farmers to protect the natural environment as an integral part of their farm management.

Fairtrade cotton farmers also enjoy the benefits of:
- The Fairtrade Minimum Price: a minimum that producers are paid when selling their products through Fairtrade
- The Fairtrade Premium: extra sum of money paid on top of the selling price that the farmers or workers invest in projects of their choice
- he Fairtrade Standards: these requirements ensure fairer terms of trade between farmers and buyers, and protect workers’ rights

Fairtrade Gold


Fairtrade certification aims at banning all forms of conflict minerals from the gold supply chain, so that the gold trade does not fuel instability and conflict in mining areas. At the same time, Fairtrade supports ASM cooperatives to acquire legal status for their operations and enables miners to act collectively against any form of discrimination. Fairtrade works with ASMs to reduce the amount of chemicals needed in gold extraction, to raise awareness for health and safety risks, and to ensure that proper safety equipment and policies are in place.

Fairtrade miners benefit from a Fairtrade Minimum Price for the gold they mine. The price ASMs receive works out to around 95 percent of the price set by the benchmark London Bullion Market (LBMA, revised twice daily). Fairtrade miners also benefit from the Fairtrade Premium of US$2000 per kilogram of gold they sell, on top of the agreed sales price. In their cooperatives, miners decide together how the Premium should be invested to benefit them and their families. Some have invested in safer and more productive extraction methods, in environmental protection efforts, or in community development measures like education, child care and healthcare. By supporting their cause through consultation and knowledge transfers, and by increasing the awareness of their ethically sourced gold among traders and consumers, Fairtrade has strengthened the efforts of mining cooperatives to secure a better deal in the highly lucrative gold business.

Fairtrade Precious Metal


Fairtrade Silver


Fairtrade certification aims at banning all forms of conflict minerals from the gold supply chain, so that the gold trade does not fuel instability and conflict in mining areas. At the same time, Fairtrade supports ASM cooperatives to acquire legal status for their operations and enables miners to act collectively against any form of discrimination. Fairtrade works with ASMs to reduce the amount of chemicals needed in gold extraction, to raise awareness for health and safety risks, and to ensure that proper safety equipment and policies are in place.

Fairtrade miners benefit from a Fairtrade Minimum Price for the gold they mine. The price ASMs receive works out to around 95 percent of the price set by the benchmark London Bullion Market (LBMA, revised twice daily). Fairtrade miners also benefit from the Fairtrade Premium of US$2000 per kilogram of gold they sell, on top of the agreed sales price. In their cooperatives, miners decide together how the Premium should be invested to benefit them and their families. Some have invested in safer and more productive extraction methods, in environmental protection efforts, or in community development measures like education, child care and healthcare. By supporting their cause through consultation and knowledge transfers, and by increasing the awareness of their ethically sourced gold among traders and consumers, Fairtrade has strengthened the efforts of mining cooperatives to secure a better deal in the highly lucrative gold business.

Fairtrade Standard - Contract Production


Fairtrade Standard - Producer


Fairtrade Standard - Trader


Fairtrade Standard for Smallscale Producer Organizations


Fairtrade Textile Standard


The Fairtrade Standards are designed to tackle poverty and empower producers in the poorest countries in the world. The standards apply to both producers and traders. There are specific standards for: small-scale producer organizations, hired labor, and contract production. There’s also the trader standard, climate standard, textile standard, and gold standard.The Fairtrade Standards include a range of economic, environmental and social criteria that must be met by producers and traders in order to acquire or retain Fairtrade certification. They are set in in accordance with the ISEAL Code of Good Practice on Standard Setting.All Faitrade standards include the Fairtrade Minimum Price, along with a fixed Fairtrade Premium, which allows farmers and workers to invest in improving the quality of their businesses and communities. The Fairtrade standard also emphasizes economic, environmental and social criteria that must be met by producers and traders in order to acquire or retain Fairtrade certification. There are also requirements for democratic self-organization, participatory decision-making, transparency, and non-discrimination. Forced labour and child labour are prohibited under the Fairtrade Standards.

Field to Market


Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture is working to meet the challenge of producing enough food, fiber and fuel for a rapidly growing population while conserving natural resources and improving the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It aims to do this by bringing together a diverse group of grower organizations; agribusinesses; food, beverage, apparel, restaurant and retail companies; conservation groups; universities; and public sector partners to define, measure and advance the sustainability of food, fiber and fuel production in the United States. By uniting the agricultural supply chain and key stakeholders around a common measurement framework, Field to Market seeks to drive continuous improvement in the sustainability of commodity crop production.

It focuses on (among others) biodiversity, energy use, greenhouse gas, irrigation water use and soil conservation.

France Terre Textile


The France Terre Textile label shows that a minimum of 75% of an item is French and was produced with a certain environmental standard.

What does this certification state?

Launched in 2008, in the region of the Vosges, this label has been created by industrials to promote the savoir-faire of the Vosges, in the textile industry. Step by step, other French regions joined the initiative, such as Alsace, Nord, and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Each of them has its own "Terre Textile" label, guaranteeing that at least 75% of the process of production has been done in the mentioned regions. In addition to this geographical criteria, very strict conditions are set when it comes to quality and respect of the environment.

Who is behind the certification?

France Terre Textile is run by French manufacturers and producers. It is a "grassroots" approach aiming to give companies the means to promote their know-how in order to take their own future in hand. The ambition of France Terre Textile is to promote French manufacturing through consumer awareness, public opinion and the support of committed companies.

GOTS Transaction


GOTS is the leading textile processing standard for organic fibres. When The Soil Association certify to the GOTS standard, the association check every step of the supply chain, from harvesting through production, processing, manufacturing and labelling. The Soil Association also considers the environmental management and social responsibility of producers. GOTS is the gold standard for sustainable processing of textiles made from organically grown fibres (such as cotton or wool).

Key facts about GOTS:
- GOTS approved products must contain at least 70% organic fibre content
- GOTS approved products never contain potentially harmful chemicals which can be found in conventional textile production
- GOTS approved companies are better for the environment (by managing their environmental impact, have high social standards, reduce energy and review water usage)
- GOTS means safe working conditions, no discrimination and no child labour
- GOTS approved products have the entire supply chain verified, even the farms must have certification to a legally recognised standard.
- The details matter - buttons, threads, zips have to meet strict residue criteria of GOTS
- It is a voluntary standard

GOTS Certification is carried out by independent experts who physically inspect companies and facilities to verify standards are met.

Certifiers of textile supply chain operators may be accredited to the following scopes:
- Certification of mechanical textile processing and manufacturing operations and their products (scope 1)
- Certification of wet processing and finishing operations and their products (scope 2)
- Certification of trading operations and related products (scope 3)

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed with the aim to unify the various existing standards and draft standards in the field of eco textile processing and to define world-wide recognised requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer. Processors and manufacturers shall be enabled to supply their organic fabrics and garments with one certification accepted in all mayor selling markets.



GLOBALG.A.P. is the internationally recognized standard for farm production. The GLOBALG.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) is mainly based on document checks and is to assess social risks in primary production. GRASP supports producers to address important social issues and build awareness at farm level.

It defines the minimum requirements for a good social management system in primary production.
• It helps producers establish good social practices on their farms.
• It offers buyers added assurance.
• It helps protect one of the farm’s most important resources: its people

The assessment results are then uploaded to the GLOBALG.A.P. Database, showing your level of compliance, and are then visible to industry supply chain partners and buyers who have been granted access.
The GRASP assessment is valid for one year and assessments are conducted annually.

GRASP helps producers establish a good social management system on their farms. It offers buyers added assurance. And it helps protect one of the farm’s most important resources: its people.



GREENGUARD Certification is part of UL Environment, a business unit of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create and helps buyers identify interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions, improving the quality of the air in which the products are used. All GREENGUARD Certified products are listed in the UL SPOT Sustainable Product Database.

All certified products must meet stringent emissions standards based on established chemical exposure criteria. Products that earn GREENGUARD Certification have been scientifically proven to meet some of the world’s most rigorous, third-party chemical emissions standards, helping to reduce indoor air pollution and the potential health risks of chemical exposure.



The goal of GUT is to improve environmental friendliness and user-friendliness throughout the entire life cycle of a textile floor covering, from production to installation, from use to recycling. Carpets certified by GUT are tested on their environmental impact, user friendliness and safety aspects. To qualify for the GUT certification, the carpet must be made without the use of certain chemicals and substances. Furthermore, GUT looks at all parts of the supply chain, beginning with production, transport and use and ending with the end-of-lifecycle phase. GUT has different symbols of certification for the specific uses of the carpets.

In cooperation with officially recognized testing institutes all over Europe, GUT continuously carries out product tests based on the strictest standards. Even more, the GUT promotes environmentally friendly solutions for the laying of carpets and offers objective information on all questions relating to carpeting.

Global GreenTag Certificate


Global GreenTag is one of the world’s most robust, trusted and widely recognised ecolabels. The Global GreenTag certificate assures that every product is tested and certified under one of the two leading certification programs that use world’s best scientific methods. Conformity with Global GreenTag Certified’s standard is also verified by an independent organization (third party) following ISO / IEC Guide 65 Product Certification. That’s why it is used by thousands of buyers, hundreds of companies and numerous green building councils, certification bodies and governments around the world.

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)


GOTS is the leading textile processing standard for organic fibres. When The Soil Association certify to the GOTS standard, the association check every step of the supply chain, from harvesting through production, processing, manufacturing and labelling. The Soil Association also considers the environmental management and social responsibility of producers. GOTS is the gold standard for sustainable processing of textiles made from organically grown fibres (such as cotton or wool).

Key facts about GOTS:
- GOTS approved products must contain at least 70% organic fibre content
- GOTS approved products never contain potentially harmful chemicals which can be found in conventional textile production
- GOTS approved companies are better for the environment (by managing their environmental impact, have high social standards, reduce energy and review water usage)
- GOTS means safe working conditions, no discrimination and no child labour
- GOTS approved products have the entire supply chain verified, even the farms must have certification to a legally recognised standard.
- The details matter - buttons, threads, zips have to meet strict residue criteria of GOTS
- It is a voluntary standard

GOTS Certification is carried out by independent experts who physically inspect companies and facilities to verify standards are met.

Certifiers of textile supply chain operators may be accredited to the following scopes:
- Certification of mechanical textile processing and manufacturing operations and their products (scope 1)
- Certification of wet processing and finishing operations and their products (scope 2)
- Certification of trading operations and related products (scope 3)

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed with the aim to unify the various existing standards and draft standards in the field of eco textile processing and to define world-wide recognised requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labelling in order to provide a credible assurance to the end consumer. Processors and manufacturers shall be enabled to supply their organic fabrics and garments with one certification accepted in all mayor selling markets.

Global Recycle Standard - Transaction


The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is intended to meet the need of companies looking to verify the recycled content of their products (both finished and intermediate) and to verify responsible social, environmental and chemical practices in their production. The GRS is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions. The standard applies to the full supply chain and addresses traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, and labeling. This includes companies in ginning, spinning, weaving and knitting, dyeing and printing and stitching n more than 50 countries.

Some of the most important criteria include:
- Claimed Material accepted for the standard meets the established definition of Recycled Material.
- Claimed Recycled Material follows a complete, verified chain of custody from input to final product.
- Workers employed at facilities involved in the production of GRS products are protected by strong social responsibility policy.
- Facilities involved in the production of GRS products have strong environmental protections in place.
- Chemicals used in the production of GRS products do not introduce unnecessary harm to the environment or workers.

**How does GRS differ from the Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)?**
Both certification aim at the alignment of recycled definitions across multiple applications, the verification of recycled content in products and providing consumers (both brands and end consumers) with a tool to make informed decisions. In addition, GRS also wants to reduce the harmful impact of production to people and the environment, provide assurance that products are processed more sustainably and drive higher percentages of recycled content in products.

Global Recycled Standard (GRS)


The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is intended to meet the need of companies looking to verify the recycled content of their products (both finished and intermediate) and to verify responsible social, environmental and chemical practices in their production. The GRS is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled content, chain of custody, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions. The standard applies to the full supply chain and addresses traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, and labeling. This includes companies in ginning, spinning, weaving and knitting, dyeing and printing and stitching n more than 50 countries.

Some of the most important criteria include:
- Claimed Material accepted for the standard meets the established definition of Recycled Material.
- Claimed Recycled Material follows a complete, verified chain of custody from input to final product.
- Workers employed at facilities involved in the production of GRS products are protected by strong social responsibility policy.
- Facilities involved in the production of GRS products have strong environmental protections in place.
- Chemicals used in the production of GRS products do not introduce unnecessary harm to the environment or workers.

**How does GRS differ from the Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)?**
Both certification aim at the alignment of recycled definitions across multiple applications, the verification of recycled content in products and providing consumers (both brands and end consumers) with a tool to make informed decisions. In addition, GRS also wants to reduce the harmful impact of production to people and the environment, provide assurance that products are processed more sustainably and drive higher percentages of recycled content in products.

Global Security Verification (GSV)


The Global Security Verification (GSV) Standard is a program developed by Intertek to help international merchants as well as distributors establish and improve their global security-verification process. The aim is to provide safety assurance, risk control, efficiency, and cost savings for all participants.
The GSV program integrates multiple global supply chain security initiatives, including C-TPAT, PIP and AEO. Their mission is to partner with international suppliers and importers to drive the development of a global security verification process, resulting in increased safety assurance, risk control, efficiency and cost savings for all participants.

GSVP covers: FOB Point, Container security, Gates control, Personnel safety, Security awareness training and awareness, Physical security, IT computer security

Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS)


NSF Sustainability is the only international certifier to provide full auditing and certification services globally from farm to finished goods. The NSF Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS) ensures that down in apparel, household, and commercial products comes from a responsible source that respects animal welfare and can be fully and transparently traced. Full traceability of down means customers can be assured no other non-certified down has been mixed in during the process. Certification is provided not only at the product level but as a whole to the full supply chain feeding into a particular line of product.

Conformity with NSF Sustainability Certified Product’s standard is verified by an independent organization (third party).

Key requirements:
- Animal Welfare: The standard helps assure that down and feather material used in products are produced without causing unnecessary harm to animals.
- Traceability: The Global TDS involves a chain of custody component that verifies traceability systems are in place throughout the entire supply chain. Full transparency is required in order to evaluate all levels of the supply chain including parent farms, hatcheries, breeding and intermediary raising farms, slaughterhouses, collectors, down processors, down wholesalers, transport vessels and finished goods factories.
- Education: The Global TDS includes education and training on animal welfare and traceability requirements at each level of the supply chain.

Good Environmental Choice 'Bra Miljöval'


Bra Miljöval (Good Environmental Choice) is a Swedish ecolabel with strict criteria for environmental protection of power plant operations. Buying Guarantees of Origin with this ecolabel guarantees that the renewable production takes the environment, flora and fauna around the power plant into account.

The power plants eligible for the Good Environmental Choice ’’Bra Miljöval’’ certification must meet the following criteria:
- Electricity is generated from 100% renewable energy from hydro, wind, solar or bio energy
- Production from hydropower plant must come from plants built before 1 January 1996
- Hydropower plants must have a minimum water flow to avoid dry riverbeds
- Electricity from wind power must come from parks that are not located in areas especially valuable for ecology.

In addition, Bra Miljöval suppliers selling electricity from hydropower must allocate an annual fee to protect and repair the environment around the power plant or to increase energy efficiency. An example of a project that could be supported by the annual fee is building a fish passage around the plant to create better conditions for animals and plants that otherwise would have been prevented from living and reproducing.

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award


The Ethical Company Organisation is a self-sustaining Limited Company based in the UK, Europe. The Ethical Company or Ethical Award logos cover the whole spectrum of ethical concerns and grants approval at a corporate rather than product level. These logos certify the company rather than the product.

The companies which have gained Ethical Accreditation have been thoroughly screened and scrutinised by Ethical Company’s team of researchers, ensuring that only companies that are eco-friendly, have a strong code business ethics, and an unwavering commitment to corporate social responsibility, have the privilege to wear the Ethical Company and Ethical Award logos. The research process takes between four and eight weeks and scans over 40,000 public record documents, including court reports, criticisms from NGOs, boycott calls and environmental reports.



GoodWeave is working to end child labor in the carpet industry and to offer educational opportunities to children in South Asia. Through its monitoring and inspections program, GoodWeave is helping to combat the problem of exploitative child labor and to transform the handmade rug industry by certifying child-labor-free rugs and providing education and opportunities to rescue at-risk children.

The GoodWeave label is the best assurance that no child labor was used in the making of your rug.

For more than two decades now, GoodWeave has been working on this on several different fronts: widening the ambit of its original rug certification program to include ever more partners up and down the supply chain; raising awareness of the issue among consumers, importers, exporters, retailers, and designers; reducing prevalence in the carpet industry by 80 percent and directly rescuing children from their looms, and from lives of servitude.

Green America™ Seal of Approval


The Green America™ is a directory listing nearly 3,000 businesses that have made firm commitments to sustainable, socially just principles, including the support of sweatshop-free labor, organic farms, fair trade, and cruelty-free products. Companies who join as members may display the Seal of Approval.

To be listed, companies must pass Green America’s screening process, and commit to fair treatment of their employees and workers in their supply chain, to promoting healthy communities where they do business, to preserving the environment, and to delivering quality products to their consumers. The Screening Committee, which is appointed by and reports to Green America’s board of directors, investigates each applying company to determine its familiarity with and commitment to social and environmental responsibility, and looks for significant evidence of this commitment in the practices and policies of the company.

To qualify to appear in the Green America™ and carry the Seal of Approval, companies’ representatives must demonstrate that they:
- Actively use their businesses as tools for positive social change
- Run ""values-driven"" enterprises that operate according to principles of social justice and environmental sustainability
- Are socially and environmentally responsible in the way they source, manufacture, and market their products and run their offices and factories
- Are committed to developing and employing extraordinary practices that benefit workers, customers, communities, and the environment.

Green Shape


Green Shape is VAUDE’s label for products that feature special ecological manufacturing. The criteria for this label are that only products made of at least 90% organic cotton or recycled materials, colored using the VAUDE ecolour dyeing process or made to conform to the textile standard bluesign® earn the Green Shape quality label.

The Green Shape criteria:
- Good reparability
- Products that are durable rather than disposable
- Material suppliers chosen by eco criteria
Use of certified resource-conserving materials (e.g. Bluesign, Ökotex 100, recycled materials, etc)
- Use of environmentally-friendly natural materials (e.g. organic cotton, Tencel, hemp, etc)
- No PTFE membrances, no nanotechnology, no genetically engineered products, no PVC
- No surface treatments containing fluorocarbons and bleaches containing chlorine or hypochlorides
- Manufacturing sites with verified social standards
- Environmentally-friendly printing methods for surface and motif prints
Use and Care
- Washable at low temperatures
- No chemical cleaning required
- VAUDE repair service
Recycling and Disposal
- Use of recyclable materials
- The highest product quality enables secondhand usage

Green Tick


Green Tick Certification is a sustainability certification programme invented by Green Tick Certification Limited (GTC) in 2004. It is an independent sustainability certification of products, services, and corporations based on a life-cycle audit of performance against the Green Tick Sustainability Standards.

GreenTick has different (more specific) certifications:
- Green Tick Green Tick Sustainable (parent brand)
- Carbon Neutral
- Carbon Negative
- Natural
- Organic
- GE-Free, and
- Fair Trader

The specific criteria depend on the certification.

GTC is a New Zealand-based private company. GTC became a Government-approved sustainability certification authority in New Zealand and Australia in 2006. The Green Tick Sustainability Certification System is now available world-wide.



Green-e® is a global leader in clean energy and carbon offset certification. It certifies companies and products made with renewable energy purchases and climate commitments.

Green-e® Climate is a global third-party certification program for carbon offsets.
Green-e® Energy certifies clean energy sold to consumers and businesses that want to reduce the environmental impact of their electricity use.
Green-e® Renewable Fuels certifies biomethane products and associated environmental attributes.



GreenCircle Certified, LLC provides third-party certification of sustainable aspects of products and manufacturing operations.

GreenCircle has different certifications: recycled content, energy savings, closed loop production, optimized life cycle assessment, biobased and rapidly renewable resouce, and recyclable material.

By issuing a GreenCircle Certification, GreenCircle Certified demonstrates that it has evaluated and verified the information provided by the manufacturer and that the manufacturer is capable of, and consistently produces, a product that is in compliance with their sustainability claim. Manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers can be assured that products labeled with the GreenCircle Certified mark have been thoroughly assessed and their claim verified.



GreenPla is a standard made to establish biodegradable plastics technology and to foster its extensive commercial use. The label is managed by the non-profit Japan BioPlastics Association (JBPA). Only biodegradable plastics that meet the rigorous criteria such as contents of heavy metals and safe intermediate reaction products may be classified as GreenPla.

GreenPla certified plastics eventually degrade to carbon dioxide and water in the natural cycle, and are the first plastics that take into account the treatment and final disposal after used.

Greenscreen Certified


GreenScreen Certified™ is an independent, non-profit certification standard that promotes the use of safer chemicals in products and manufacturing. Products are certified to Bronze, Silver or Gold. Bronze certification prohibits the use of any chemical of high concern listed on globally recognized chemical hazard lists as defined by the GreenScreen List Translator. Silver and Gold certification levels prohibit chemicals of high concern as defined by the GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals benchmarking criteria.

GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals is a method of comparative Chemical Hazard Assessment (CHA) that can be used for identifying chemicals of high concern and safer alternatives. GreenScreen was developed by and is a project of Clean Production Action. It is a program of Clean Production Action, a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation based in the US.

Grüner Knopf


The Grüne Knopf was introduced by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation to prevent disasters such as Rana Plaza in 2013.

**What does this certification say about the product**
The Grüne Knopf is a state seal that combines requirements for textiles and for the entire company: Only if the product and the company comply with all requirements can the certification be awarded. Individual showcase products alone are not enough. A total of 46 demanding social and environmental criteria must be met: 20 company criteria and 26 social and ecological product criteria.

**Institution behind the Certification**
The seal holder is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. They define the criteria and conditions. Independent inspection bodies monitor compliance with the criteria. If necessary, they also inspect factories on site. The testing bodies are selected on the basis of their technical experience and are monitored by the German Accreditation Body. This ensures the equivalence of the tests.

**Critique** The certification concept has been criticized by both activists and the textile industry. Its audit does not cover the production of the raw materials, but only the further processing. The obligation to pay minimum wages does not guarantee that these wages are living wages. In addition, clothes produced in the EU are not controlled in the same way as those from non-EU countries. The certification wants to include human rights due diligence obligations of companies in the assessment. However, it is unclear how the criteria and the verification of compliance are implemented in practice. It is also criticized that the Grüne Knopf as so called meta-label has not integrated the labels of the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF).

Health and Textile Association (Associazione Tessile e Salute)


General Info

With this certification the Textile and Health Association wants to give relevance to companies that operate in compliance with mandatory regulations and give consumers knowledge about the origin, traceability and safety of the garment and the footwear they wear.

What does this certification state?

The Tessile e Salute Certification confirms the absence of dangerous substances in production processes. The certificate connects the REACH requirements with the Guidelines of the National Chamber of Italian Fashion for the Made in Italy system.

Who is behind the certification?

The certificate is maintained by the Textile and Health Association. Their goal is to link Italian tradition to sustainable fashion that helps and promotes MADE IN ITALY. They work on national level and since their foundation in 2001 bring together different stakeholders equally interested in designing, producing and selling textile articles, footwear and accessories that are safe for consumers.

Hong Kong Eco-label


The Hong Kong Eco-Label is a product certification that validates if the environmental performance of the product conforms to the relevant technical standard about environmental protection.

The Eco-Label is an initiative of the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Association, a professional environmental protection organization. Its purpose is to provide citizens with civic education, unite all sectors of society, promote the development of environmental protection in Hong Kong, promote the rise of green consumption in Hong Kong, and guide all sectors of the Attention and participation.

Hong Kong Green Label (HKGLS)


The Hong Kong Green Label is awarded to products that are qualified regarding their environment attributes and/or performance. It is an independent and voluntary scheme for the certification of environmentally preferable products launched in 2000 by the Green Council.

The standard has specific criteria for different product groups. The criteria are reviewed every 3 years and revised when necessary to take into account any advances in environmental technology and/or changes in current environmental concerns.

ICEC - Certification of leather sector finished products traceability


This certification is aimed to leather sector finished products which are adressed to the end users market. It permits to grant the correct management of the traceability in every part of the production process (including those possibly committed to third parties). The reference standard is TS PM 414.

It can be applied to:

- a single finished product (i.e..: a bag, a shoe)
- a set of finished products
- the whole company production range.

Traceability is verified, at least, starting from the entrance of the raw materials in the Company, up to the company warehouse of the finished products, ready to be sold.

It can be integrated with similar certifications issued according to technical specifications/national or international standards which include traceability requirements for the upstream/downstream processes of the company, thus obtaining a "production chain traceability": from raw materials, to product manufacturing, until selling.

ICEC - Qualification of leather sector test laboratories


This certification was created to qualify the laboratories operating in leather sector. The scheme involves the management of every aspect according to the principles of quality, above all referring to laboratory activities, i.e.: staff training, environmental conditions, management of instruments and writing of test reports. These aspects are periodically verified, in order to guarantee the best reliability to the tests performed. The qualification requirements are fully inspired by the ISO 17025 standard, which is the reference for laboratories accreditation. So ICEC certification can be seen as a preparatory (but not substitute) activity to this goal.

Certification applicable to

- Tanneries
- Leather manufacturing companies
- Sub-contractors (i.e. chemical companies)

ICEC Certification


The ICEC certification is issued to tanneries that are certified in the environmental, ethical-social, economic and product areas. It is applicable to

- Tanneries
- Leather manufacturing companies
- Sub-contractors (i.e. chemical companies)

The certificate can be issued to the companies which write and display to ICEC a specific synthetic document called “Sustainability bill or policy”, where they describe their commitment to sustainability, based on the certifications in their possession. All the companies which obtained this attestation are in the certified companies database.

To be certified companies need to one or more of the following sustainability proofs:


**AREA 1 - Environmental sustainability**

- EMAS (environmental declaration according to EU Reg. 1221/2009)
- ECO-LEATHER (UNI11427 Leather with a low environmental impact)


**AREA 2 - Ethic and social sustainability**



**AREA 3 - Product and economic sustainability**



**About ICEC**

ICEC is the only Certification Institute in Europe and in the world specialized exclusively for the Leather sector. It has been operating since 1994 and thanks to its experience in the sector guarantees maximum competence. It was promoted by the Italian tanneries and has among its members the national associations of leather goods, footwear, accessories and components, furriers, as well as CNR, ENEA, AICQ, SSIP and the Ministry of Economic Development. The leather sector with ICEC has also become a leader in certification. ICEC is ACCREDIA accredited for the quality management system (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), EMAS, health and safety (OHSAS 18001), product (UNI standards or technical specification of the manufacturer) and denomination of origin of leather (EN 16484 ).

ICEC TS 420 - Chemicals management system according to ZDHC


Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector (ICEC) obtained ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) acknowledgement for ICEC TS 420 technical specification (for chemicals management) as a level 1-2-3 indicator for companies needing to register their products in the ZDHC Gateway. The audit for all levels include independent tests performed by ICEC with qualified laboratories, while level 3 audit includes also a verification of the production in the company.

The audit of the chemicals management system includes the check of the lab tests attesting the conformity to the ZDHC for the chemical formulations of which the company declares the conformity. These products have to be managed according to the good practices as in the TS, that apply to all the chemicals put on the market and that deal also with environmental management and workers' health and safety. For the companies already certified ISO 14001 o OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 there will be facilitations for ICEC TS 420 certification process.





IMO Certified


The Institute for Marketecology (IMO) is an international agency for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products. For more than 20 years, IMO has been active in the field of organic certification but it is also active in the sectors of natural textiles, sustainable forestry, and social accountability monitoring.

IMO provides different recognised ecological and social standards with different criteria.

ISCC Certified


The International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) provides sustainability solutions for fully traceable and deforestation free supply chains. They do this by:

- Implementing social and ecological sustainability criteria
- Monitoring deforestation-free supply chains
- Avoiding conversion of biodiverse grassland
- Calculating and reducing GHG emissions
- Establishing traceability in global supply chains

ISO 14001


ISO 14001 is developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation and sets out the criteria for an environmental management system and companies can be certified for doing this. ISO 14001 maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system. It is designed to be used by any type of organization, regardless of its activity or sector, and can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.

The criteria for the results of the managementsystem:
* Continual improvement of the organization’s practices and protection of the environment
* Mitigation of environmental risks resulting the organization’s activities
* Adherance to the laws that are applicable to the organisation

Therefore, the ISO 14001-norm consists of: context of the organization, leadership, planning, support, implementation, result evaluation and improvement.

ISO 28000


ISO 28000 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that specifies the requirements for a security management system for the supply chain. Its primary focus is to help organizations manage and improve the security of their supply chain, including aspects related to people, infrastructure, technology, and processes.

To be certified, the organization must implement a management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 28000 standard.

Key aspects of ISO 28000 include:

- Risk assessment and mitigation: Identifying security threats, vulnerabilities, and implementing measures to reduce or eliminate risks.

- Security management processes: Establishing policies, procedures, and controls to ensure security at every stage of the supply chain.

- Compliance with regulations: Ensuring that the supply chain complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

- Continuous improvement: Emphasizing the importance of monitoring, auditing, and improving security practices over time.

ISO 27001


This standard might not be directly connected to sustainability in the conventional understanding, i.e. stopping climate change and environmental pollution, creating fair working conditions and a transparent supply chain. But sustainability also means being accountable and taking responsibility. This includes securing the company's own IT and data protection in accordance with international guidelines. This task mostly falls into the department of governance and compliance.

With successful certification, IT risks can be minimised and IT security procedures can be established that contribute to the sustainable optimisation of the quality of a companies IT-systems. In total the standard ensures the following points:

- Assured availability of IT systems and processes
- Confidentiality of information
- Minimise IT risks, possible damage and consequential costs
- Increased trust with partners, customers and the public
- Ensuring compliance requirements
- Fulfilment of internationally recognised requirements for IT-Security
- Systematic detection of weak points
- Control IT risks

**About ISO**

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the largest developer of voluntary International Standards - a network of national standards bodies covering most countries in the world. Their standards offer solutions and best practices for almost all types of technology and businesses. From food safety to computers, they impact all our lives. International Standards help companies and organizations to increase performance while protecting consumers and our planet. Developed through global consensus, they break down barriers to international trade.

ISO 45001:2018


ISO 45001:2018 specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S performance.

ISO 45001:2018 is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S management system nonconformities associated with its activities.

ISO 45001:2018 helps an organization to achieve the intended outcomes of its OH&S management system.

ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certificate


The ISO 50001 Energy Management System certification provides a framework for establishing energy management best practice to help organisations to improve their energy efficiency plus make a return on investment by implementing ISO 50001. The standard enables organisations to establish the systems and processes necessary to improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, use, and consumption.

The certification includes:
- Energy reduction of up 10% within first 12 months
- Reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon footprint
Assist in compliance with current and future voluntary and/or mandatory energy efficiency targets.

ISO 50001:2018 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system (EnMS). The intended outcome is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy performance and the EnMS.

ISO 9001


ISO 9001: 2015


The ISO 9001 standard is known as a generic management system standard, which means it can be applied to any organisation. It states requirements such as customer quality and satisfaction enhancement, applicable regulations and achieving continual improvements in its performance. ISO9001:2015 are accredited certification programmes as per ISO 17021-1:2015.

ISO 28000


ISO 28000 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that specifies the requirements for a security management system for the supply chain. Its primary focus is to help organizations manage and improve the security of their supply chain, including aspects related to people, infrastructure, technology, and processes.

To be certified, the organization must implement a management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 28000 standard.

Key aspects include:

- Risk assessment and mitigation: Identifying security threats, vulnerabilities, and implementing measures to reduce or eliminate risks.

- Security management processes: Establishing policies, procedures, and controls to ensure security at every stage of the supply chain.

- Compliance with regulations: Ensuring that the supply chain complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

- Continuous improvement: Emphasizing the importance of monitoring, auditing, and improving security practices over time.

IVN Membership


Korean Ecolabel


The Korean Ecolabel is a state-certified eco-label that provides environmental information to consumers. The Korean Ecolabel is awarded to products that are causing relatively less pollution or are using less resources in the production and consumption processes among products for the same purpose.

The certification criteria differ for the different product group.

The products with the Korean Ecolabel are subject to on-site audits and sampling, as well as analysed and tested by a testing agency.

Lab Proof Low Water Usage


This allows you to upload lab proofs for low water usage.

Label STEP


The fair trade label STEP is awarded to handmade carpet dealers who commit to fair trade standards, including ensuring fair conditions of production, paying fair prices to ensure fair wages, fighting abusive child labour, promoting ecologically viable production methods, and authorizing independent verification.

The label is not applied to individual products but to import companies and retailers. All handmade carpets offered by STEP licensees are subject to fair trade regulations. STEP operates branches with local employees in all important manufacturing countries.

Independent inspectors check compliance with fair trade standards and initiate improvement measures.

STEP was founded in Switzerland in 1995 by the Max Havelaar Foundation. As a non-profit association, the label does not pursue any commercial goals but is committed to the well-being of the weavers and to a sustainable carpet industry.

Leather Standard By Oeko-Tex


LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX® is a standardised worldwide testing and certification system for leather and leather items from all stages of production. This includes semi-finished products (wet-blue, wet-white, crust) up to finished products. You can certify finished leather, leather fibre materials, ready-made articles, accessories, leather gloves, leather bags, leather covers and more in accordance with the leather standard.

- Textile and non-textile components of a leather article (sewing thread, buttons, zip fasteners, linings, inserts, prints, labels etc.) must adhere to the current STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®
- Leather materials must meet the criteria of the current LEATHER STANDARD
- Adhere to the operational quality assurance measures in the company aimed at compliance with the required criteria
- Need to pass the quality audit carried out by an independent OEKO-TEX® partner institute

The LEATHER STANDARD certificate is valid for 12 months. After the initial audit, the mandatory on-site company visit is carried out at least every three years by an independent OEKO-TEX® testing institute.

Leather Working Group (LWG)


The Leather Working Group (LWG) is an online resource for all stakeholders in the leather industry including brands, manufacturers, suppliers, NGOs and end users.

The objectives of this multi-stakeholder group are to develop and maintain protocols that assess the environmental compliance and performance capabilities of leather manufacturers and to promote sustainable and appropriate environmental business practices within the leather industry. The LWG is made up of member brands, retailers, product manufacturers, leather manufacturers, chemical suppliers, machinery suppliers, technical experts and other service providers that work together to maintain environmental stewardship protocols specifically for the leather manufacturing industry.

Suppliers can be rated by the Leather Working Group as Gold, Silver, Bronze or get an ’Audited’ status.

All LWG audits are carried out by independent auditors who are authorised by Leather Working Group to undertake audits using the LWG Environmental Audit Protocol. In 2008, LWG included a section within the audit protocol to assess a supplier’s ability to be able to trace their raw material back to the slaughterhouse. This ensures that the leather manufacturers within the LWG program have a clear understanding of where their raw material is originating from. With this information and in co-operation with NGOs, the LWG aims to provide increased visibility around material origin for brands and consumers.

Leather from Italy (EN 16484)


Certification is applicable to Tanneries.

Because of the interest of the tanneries to promote the “Italian production” of their leathers, the European Standard UNI EN 16484 “Leather – requirements for the determination of the origin of leather production” was published. The Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector (ICEC) issues this product certification to companies that have a whole integration between “origin denomination of finished leather” and a system that guarantees the quality management (e.g. ISO 9001).

To define a leather as “Italian” (leather products in Italy) in conformity with the international Non Preferential Rules of Origin, at least the last substantial economically justified process has to be carried out in Italy:

- for tanned leather (e.g. wet blue, wet white): the substantial transformation shall be the tanning phase;
- for crust (dyed or not): the substantial transformation shall be the process step of “retanning fatliquoring – (dyeing);
- for finished leather: the origin of a finished leather shall be the country where “retanning – fatliquoring – dyeing” take place.

If the finishing takes place in a different country than the retanning – fatliquoring -dyeing, then it shall be separately indicated (e.g. “Italian leather finished in France” or “French leather finished in Italy”)

The place of origin of the raw material is not important.

The tanneries that carry out the whole cycle in Italy (from rawhide to finished leather) can use the wording “leather from Italy – full cycle”.

Living Wage Benchmark


Submit the living wage benchmark of the company.

Low Water Usage


The processes used in the manufacturing are proven to be water saving in comparison to conventional production.

MAS Certified Green


MAS Certified Green is a registered trademark to delineate low VOC emitting products in the marketplace. Purchasers and specifiers of those products are ensured that they can earn credits in sustainability programs like USGBC-LEED, California Department of Public Health, and the Collaborative for High Performance Schools program. Only products that pass stringent MAS testing criteria can display the MAS Certified Green logo.

The MAS Certified Green® Program is a leader in emissions testing development and compliance. It is accredited to ISO 17025 for laboratory procedures and ISO 17065 for third-party certification. The program combines its own own internal standards with ISO accreditation.

Made in Green by Oeko-Tex


MADE IN GREEN by OEKO-TEX® is a traceable product label for all kinds of textiles (e.g. garments, home textiles) and leather products (e.g. garments, finished and semi-finished leathers) including non-textile/-leather components (e.g. accessories).

The MADE IN GREEN label verifies that:
- The article has been tested for harmful substances. This is carried out through certification in accordance with STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® or LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX®.
- The textile or leather product has been manufactured using sustainable processes under environmentally friendly
- The product is made under socially responsible working conditions. This is carried out through certification in accordance with STeP by OEKO-TEX®.
- The product is traceable, and the label gives information on the production facilities in which the product was produced. E.g., you can use a unique product ID on the label to trace the countries and production facilities in which the labelled article was produced.

Made in Italy


Certification applicable to Leather manufacturing companies. It was created to attest the Italian origin of the production of finished articles, in this case accessories, components and objects pertinent with leather sector (i.e. bags, leather goods, footwear, apparel, heels, soles, trimmings, different accessories, etc..).

To the award this label, the Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector (ICEC) references to the non-preferential origin custom rules (COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) Nr. 2913/92 of 12 October 1992), which establish, for the different types of articles, the last economically justified substantial transformation that defines the origin denomination.

To appoint the “100% made in Italy” (from design to production, all the processes are carried out in Italy) the reference is Italian DL 135/2009 art.16.

When also "Italian production materials" are added to “100% made in Italy”, there is the maximum possible Made in Italy level, that is expression of the excellence and handcrafting of the fully Italian products.

ICEC defined different logos and labels for the owners of the above mentioned certifications; these must be affixed on the certified products in order to communicate correctly the obtained Made in Italy.

Masters Of Linen


MASTERS OF LINEN® is a registered mark and sign of excellence for linen 100% Made in Europe, from field to yarn to fabric from the CELC. Companies using this certification are every year by an external inspection body. CELC Membership is pre-requisite. The Club Masters of Linen gathers and promotes the certified European textile companies: spinners, weavers and knitters who have opted for 100% European traceability and want to offer their clients a differentiation tool with a high value-added identity.

**The logo ensures that**:

- Linen made in Europe, each step is traceable since every party must be certified. Certified Spinners are not allowed to transfer logos/labels directly to clients producing fabrics: weavers, circular knitters.
- From field to yarn to fabric with sustainable production, respecting the environment from European Flax® fibre: no irrigation, no gmo, no waste, carbon sink, field retting, mechanical scutching to yarn, fabric and finishing according to highest regulationsand biodegradable
- Social ethics, European know-how and jobs
- Proximity, local, agricultural+textile land identity
- Low carbon footprint
- Excellence and innovation

Every companies certified can be found here including the dates of their latest audit: [](

**About the CELC**

The European Confederation of Flax and Hemp (CELC) is a European agro-industrial organization federating all the stages of production and transformation for linen and hemp. It oversees the fiber’s development from plant to finished product for 10 000 European companies. Created in 1951, the CELC incites reflection, market analyses, industry concertation and strategic orientations. Through its [Textile section](, it assures the promotion of the European industry in the areas of fashion and lifestyle. With its [Technical section]( and *European Scientific Council*, the CELC helps its members move towards the future to discover new technical opportunities such as eco-construction and high-performing composite products.

Membership in European Confederation of Flax and Hemp (CELC)


Migros ECO


Migros ECO is a label for textiles that guarantees that no substance likely to cause allergies or irritation, or to be harmful to the environment has been used throughout the manufacturing chain. It also attests to environmental preservation and workforce health and safety.

The Eco-Guidelines are based on four principles:
1) Protect the environment: mitigate environmental problems in producing countries, critical substances are avoided, reduced or used in a controlled manner.
2) Transparency and traceability: at each step of the manufacturing process, the materials used are registered and inspected for their safety.
3) Continous environmental improvement in collaboration with suppliers and experts.
4) Safe and healthy workplaces: appopriate protective equipment, adequate ventilation, educating workers about possible dangers.

Migros developed this standard for environmentally friendly production and safe working conditions in 1996. Since 2018, Migros collaborates with the following international textile labels

The new Eco-guidelines have three extra values:
- Ecological: Eco certified textile are produced in an environmentally friendly way. The use of harmful chemicals like chlorine are prohibited. If/when chemicals are used, their impact is minimized or a more environmental option is chosen.
- Corporate social responsibility: all suppliers have to adhere to the criteria of the Amfori BSCI Code. Producers in risk countries are audited regularly. This guarantees worker’s rights, and healthy and safe working conditions.
- Traceable: with every step of the process all used chemicals are registered and tested. This registration makes all eco-textile traceable to their origin.

NATURLEDER IVN zertifiziert


The IVN has been working on a standard for natural leather since 2001. NATURLEDER is the only standard for natural leather in Europe. The quality label NATURLEDER IVN ZERTIFIZIERT certifies the labeled products a very high level of ecology and quality.

The quality seal NATURLEDER specifies a number of basic requirements:
- All manufacturing plants must have access to a two tier wastewater treatment plant, regardless of whether their waster water is fed directly (without treatment) or indirectly via a wastewater treatment facility into surface water.
- GMOs or modified substances are to be avoided.
- All chemicals used must meet predetermined specifications.
- The animals from which the skins derive are held primarily for meat.
- Chemical preservatives are expressly forbidden. If tenside solutions and detergents are used, these must be biodegradable.
- Tanning using aluminium, zirconium or titanium is according to the NATURLEDER guidelines not allowed.
- Leather dyes must be free of AOX and heavy metals and conform to EU ordinances.
- The use of solvent-based finishes or coatings containing polyurethane or fluor is not allowed.
- The limits for hazardous substances and textiles, as well as quality standards are equal to/exceed DIN or ISO norms

NATURLEDER IVN zertifiziert - Transaction


The IVN has been working on a standard for natural leather since 2001. NATURLEDER is the only standard for natural leather in Europe. The quality label NATURLEDER IVN ZERTIFIZIERT certifies the labeled products a very high level of ecology and quality.

The quality seal NATURLEDER specifies a number of basic requirements:
- All manufacturing plants must have access to a two tier wastewater treatment plant, regardless of whether their waster water is fed directly (without treatment) or indirectly via a wastewater treatment facility into surface water.
- GMOs or modified substances are to be avoided.
- All chemicals used must meet predetermined specifications.
- The animals from which the skins derive are held primarily for meat.
- Chemical preservatives are expressly forbidden. If tenside solutions and detergents are used, these must be biodegradable.
- Tanning using aluminium, zirconium or titanium is according to the NATURLEDER guidelines not allowed.
- Leather dyes must be free of AOX and heavy metals and conform to EU ordinances.
- The use of solvent-based finishes or coatings containing polyurethane or fluor is not allowed.
- The limits for hazardous substances and textiles, as well as quality standards are equal to/exceed DIN or ISO norms



Naturtextil BEST is a holistic standard that values environmental and social criteria along the whole textile pruduction chain, initiated by the IVN.

Main requirements are: 100% certified organic fibers, restricted fiber prosessing methods (bleaching, chlorination, mercerization etc.), limited range of dyes and auxiliaries, no input of hazardous substances (e.g. formaldehyde, PCP, TCP, heavy metals, AOX and many more), accessories (buttons, pockets etc.) made with natural raw materials, high quality parameters, residue tests in the ready garment, ILO conventions plus living wages.

IVN is an association of over 100 companies from all stages of leather and textile manufacturing that stand for ecological and socially responsible production. As a business association, our role is both that of voice and facilitator for our members and our industry. We provide factual information for media professionals and the public on subjects ranging from environment, social responsibility, transparency to consumer health and safety.

NATURTEXTIL IVN zertifiziert BEST Transaction


Naturtextil BEST is a holistic standard that values environmental and social criteria along the whole textile pruduction chain, initiated by the IVN.

Main requirements are: 100% certified organic fibers, restricted fiber prosessing methods (bleaching, chlorination, mercerization etc.), limited range of dyes and auxiliaries, no input of hazardous substances (e.g. formaldehyde, PCP, TCP, heavy metals, AOX and many more), accessories (buttons, pockets etc.) made with natural raw materials, high quality parameters, residue tests in the ready garment, ILO conventions plus living wages.

IVN is an association of over 100 companies from all stages of leather and textile manufacturing that stand for ecological and socially responsible production. As a business association, our role is both that of voice and facilitator for our members and our industry. We provide factual information for media professionals and the public on subjects ranging from environment, social responsibility, transparency to consumer health and safety.

NP4457 - Innovation Management Systems


The Portuguese Standard 4457, published by the Portuguese Institute of Quality (IPQ) has set requirements for an efficient Management of Research Development and Innovation (RDI), and is applicable to any organization. It is part of the larger management system certification ISO 9001.

**What does this certification say about a company**

The standard aims to define the requirements of an effective Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Management system, allowing the organizations that adopt it to define an RDI policy and achieve their innovation goals. The standard can be used by any type of organization for its innovation processes. Innovation is understood in its broadest sense and in accordance with the OECD Oslo Manual (2005), including new products (goods or services), processes, and new marketing or organizational methods. Consequently, while technology is one of the fundamental results of research and development, the standard is not limited to that area, i.e., it is also intended for organizations wishing to innovate, not only in terms of technology, but in other areas too.

**Institution behind the Certification**

The IPQ is the national organization that manages and promotes the development of the Portuguese System for Quality (SPQ). Within the SPQ framework, IPQ copes with the role of National Standardization Body, ensuring the co-ordination with European and International standardization bodies, and supervises the activity of the Central Laboratory of Metrology.

NSF Sustainability Certified Product


The NSF Sustainability Certified mark is awarded to products that meet conformity assessment to a NSF/ANSI or other national or international sustainable product standards.

Use of the NSF Sustainability Certified Mark is granted once certification has been completed through product evaluation, conformity assessment against standards and protocols, and production systems review. The NSF certification process is specific to the product, process or service being certified and the type of certification

NSF certification assures suppliers, retailers, regulators and consumers that an independent organization has reviewed a product’s manufacturing process and determined that the product complies with specific standards for safety, quality, sustainability, and performance. From extensive product testing and material analyses to plant inspections and auditing, it evaluates every aspect of a product’s development.

NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric


The NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric label addresses the environmental, economic and social aspects of furnishing fabric products, including woven, non-woven, bonded and knitted fabrics used for upholstery, vertical and decorative top of bed applications commonly used in institutional, hospitality and office settings. The standard incorporates life cycle assessment criteria, which measures inputs, outputs and environmental impacts of textile products across their entire lifespan (cradle to grave).

This standard assesses product characteristics in the areas of material and component inputs, water and energy use, recycling practices and social accountability.

Nike Considered Design


Nike Considered Design is a sustainable line of shoes introduced by Nike, Inc. The line utilizes materials found primarily within 200 miles (320 km) of the Nike factory which reduces the energy used for transportation, diminishing the resulting climate change impact. The manufacturing process reduces solvent use by more than 80% compared with Nike’s typical products. The leather comes from a tannery that recycles wastewater to ensure toxins are kept out of the environment, and it is colored using vegetable-based dyes. Hemp and polyester are used to make the shoe’s woven upper and shoelaces. The mid-sole is cut to lock into the outer sole, reducing the need for toxic adhesives. The shoe’s outer sole includes rubber made from recycled factory rubber waste.

The goal of Nike Considered Design is to create performance innovation products that minimize environmental impact by reducing waste throughout the design and development process, use environmentally preferred materials, and eliminate toxics. Nike designers are now expected to make smart, sustainable design choices at the start of their creative process which has led to Nike’s most extensive Considered Design range of product to date.

No Hazardous Chemicals


No hazardous chemicals are present in the final product, and if used in the manufacturing process, the handling and disposal is done responsibly.

NoCO2 and LowCO2 certification


The NoCO2 certification standard is for organisations that want to become carbon neutral. There are four steps that must be completed to achieve the NoCO2 certification standard.

They are:
1. Complete a comprehensive carbon audit of your organisation auditing your scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions. This audit is completed in compliance ISO 14064
2. Reduce emissions that are avoidable; where the cost to do so is less than the cost of offsetting
3. Offset all remaining emissions through the purchase of carbon credits, and
4. Enter into a Certification Agreement with the Carbon Reduction Institute.

Carbon credits must be purchased; and certification fees must be paid; quarterly in advance for certification to commence.

For businesses operating in circumstances which deem carbon neutrality unrealistic, the option for Low CO2 certification is available. The organisation still undertakes a greenhouse gas audit; however it is focused only on the operational impacts of the business, rather than all related emissions.

The certificate is awarded by The Carbon Reduction Institute (CRI), a for-profit business, owned and based in Australia since 2007. The Institute is committed to helping Australian businesses and individuals take real and effective action to eliminate their impact on climate change.

Nordic Ecolabel (Nordic Swan)


The Nordic Ecolabel or ’’Swan’’ is an official, independent and 3rd party certification that demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice.

The Swan checks that products fulfill certain criteria using methods such as samples from independent laboratories, certificates and control visits.

Each Nordic country has local offices with the responsibility for criteria development, control visits, licensing and marketing. In Denmark Nordic Ecolabel is administered by Ecolabelling Denmark at Danish Standards Foundation, in Sweden by Ecolabelling Sweden AB, in Finland by Finnish Standards, in Norway by The Foundation for Ecolabelling, and in Iceland by the The Environment Agency that operates under the direction of the Ministry for the Environment.

OCS 100 - Organic Content Standard


The Organic Content Standard (OCS) applies to any non-food product containing 95-100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product and tracks the flow of the raw material from its source to the final product. Its predecessor was the OE-100 certificate.

The OCS provides companies with a tool for third-party verification that a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material. Each organization along the supply chain must take sufficient steps to ensure the integrity and identity of the input organic material. It does not address the use of chemicals or any social or environmental aspects of production beyond the integrity of the organic material.

OCS 100 - Organic Content Standard - Transaction


OCS BLENDED - Organic Content Standard


The OCS blended applies to any non-food product containing a minimum of 5 and maximum of 100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product. Its predecessor was the OE-blended certificate.

**What does this certification say about the product**
The certification ensures the content of organic material in the product through tracking the flow of a raw material from its source to the final product. This process is then certified by an accredited third party that confirms whether a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material. OCS covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of a product that contains at least 5 percent certified ‘organic’ materials.

**Institution behind the Certification**
The Organic Content Standard is owned and managed by Textile Exchange. The NGO exists since 2002 and plays a powerful role within the textile industry to support the understanding and use of sustainable materials and proper verification strategies. While Textile Exchange has extensive experience in standards development and ownership, they do not engage in any certification activities: Their focus lies on supporting the quality and adoption of their standards.

OCS blended - Transaction


The OCS blended applies to any non-food product containing a minimum of 5 and maximum of 100 percent organic material. It verifies the presence and amount of organic material in a final product. Its predecessor was the OE-blended certificate.

**What does this certification say about the product**
The certification ensures the content of organic material in the product through tracking the flow of a raw material from its source to the final product. This process is then certified by an accredited third party that confirms whether a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material. OCS covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labelling, trading and distribution of a product that contains at least 5 percent certified ‘organic’ materials.

**Institution behind the Certification**
The Organic Content Standard is owned and managed by Textile Exchange. The NGO exists since 2002 and plays a powerful role within the textile industry to support the understanding and use of sustainable materials and proper verification strategies. While Textile Exchange has extensive experience in standards development and ownership, they do not engage in any certification activities: Their focus lies on supporting the quality and adoption of their standards.

The OCS blended is a scope certificate. Therefore to show it on product level, users need to request a Transaction Certificate of this standard and link it to one or more of their products to show it on product level. For more information on how retraced distinguishes between scope and transaction certificates, check our knowledgebase.

OK biobased


The “OK biobased” certification is an independent, high-quality guarantee of the renewability of raw materials. The label offers a comprehensive guarantee about the origin of your products. On a basis of the determined percentage of renewable raw materials (% Bio-based carbon), your product can be certified as one-star-bio-based, two-star-bio-based, three-star-bio-based or four-star-bio-based.

The investigation method behind the OK biobased certification is very simple and the exact value can be precisely and scientifically measured and calculated. This renders checks and re-checks very transparent and also allows “apples to be compared with apples” with the greatest ease.

Oeko-Tex Standard 100


STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is one of the world’s best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances. It stands for customer confidence and high product safety.

The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is a globally uniform testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediate and end products at all stages of production.

The STANDARD 100 label means that every component of an article, i.e. every thread, button and other accessories, has been tested for harmful substances and that the article therefore is harmless in human ecological terms. The certification covers multiple human-ecological attributes, including harmful substances which are prohibited or regulated by law, chemicals which are known to be harmful to health, but are not officially forbidden, and parameters which are included as a precautionary measure to safeguard health. The criteria catalog is updated at least once a year and expanded with new scientific knowledge or statutory requirements.

A tested textile product is allocated to one of the four Oeko-Tex product classes based on its intended use. The more intensively a product comes into contact with the skin, the stricter the human ecological requirements it must fulfill.

Origine France Garantie


The Origine France Garantie (OFG) guarantees that your product receives its essential characteristics in France.

What does this certification state?

The purpose of this French label is to give consumers clear and identifiable information on the origin of a product. The label is given by a third-party office, which guarantees its reliability. To obtain this label, companies must comply with specifications:

- The product must take its essential characteristics in France
- At least 50% of the unit cost price is acquired in France

The OFG specifications do not include any clause relating to ecology and social. The Origin France Garantie label therefore does not offer any guarantee linked to eco - responsibility for its certified products. However, with its clear requirements it helps preserve national employment for France.

Who is behind the certification?

Created in June 2010, the Pro France association brings together companies and all stakeholders who wish to participate in a voluntary, innovative and transparent certification of French origin of products. Its mission is to defend and enhance French-made products and the companies that produce them, as well as the promotion of Marque France in all sectors of activity.



The PEFC label ("Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes") certifies sustainable forest management and products from sustainable forest management worldwide.

What does this certification say about the product

Wood and wood products can only be labeled with the PEFC seal if a credible chain of custody is ensured. Therefore, the wood-based businesses in the product chain must also be certified. In general, PEFC provides the international framework and defines minimum requirements for national and regional forest certification schemes and standards. Among other things, a national certification system must comply with international conventions and national laws, involve all stakeholders in setting standards, and adhere to the uniform guidelines for sustainable forest management.

In Germany for example, clear-cutting is prohibited as a matter of principle. Also the use of pesticides must be avoided, and the soil must be conserved when machinery is used.

Variations of the certification

The PEFC seal is available in three variants:
1. PEFC certified: The product contains at least 70% certified material
2. PEFC recycled: The product contains at least 70 percent PEFC certified material from recycled sources.
3. PEFC regional: Companies can prove that, in addition to PEFC certification, they use wood from a geographically definable region.

Institution behind the Certification

The PEFC was originally founded in 1999 as a pan-European initiative and is now, according to its own information, the world's largest forest protection organization. In addition to 29 European countries, members include Argentina, Brazil, China and the USA, for example.

PEFC cites the documentation and improvement of sustainable forest management as its main objective. Economic, ecological and social standards are to be taken into account.


Environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and NABU advise against the widely used PEFC seal. Greenpeace criticizes the lack of independent controls for forest protection. For NABU, the PEFC seal does not represent any ecological added value; in addition, a weak control system, the use of pesticides and the lack of designation of areas that are particularly relevant for nature conservation and not managed are criticized.
The Federal Environment Agency recommends the PEFC seal - like FSC - as a "top seal" for wood products, but at the same time criticizes the few controls. In the case of paper products, they call the seal "misleading" because it is only printed on virgin fiber products - according to them, recycled paper is preferable to this.

PEFC - Transaction


PETA-approved Vegan Label


The PETA-approved Vegan Label means that a products is made with all-vegan materials. Companies that sell only vegan products can even display the logo on store signs, website homepages, social media platforms, and elsewhere to let customers know that they can shop there without having to question if any animals were harmed or killed for the products being

PFI 100% Vegan


The 100% Vegan test mark is intended to help consumers identify the origin of materials and make purchasing decisions easier. The PFI 100% Vegan test mark can be awarded for vegan articles, materials and process materials. 100% Vegan in the sense of our test mark are articles, for whose production the use of animal materials and products was renounced, this also includes all components of the sales packaging, as well as enclosed information. Also with the used auxiliary materials, like e.g. adhesives, colors, lacquers among other things must be made certain that they do not contain components of animal origin.

The 100% Vegan Certificate is awarded exclusively by the Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut Pirmasens e.V.. The institute was founded over 60 years ago for product testing, research and certification for the footwear industry and its suppliers and has unique industry-specific and cross-industry know-how.

Payslip of lowest paid worker


Submit the payslip of the lowest paid worker.

Processed Chlorine Free


Processes or products that are manufactured free of chlorine chemistry are identified with the Totally Chlorine Free (TCF) or Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) Trademarks.

The Chlorine Free Products Association audits require a chain of custody for all raw materials, measures the impact of a manufacturing process on the environment: water and energy use, chemistry, carbon gas releases, reviews environmental policy and permit compliance, reviews ethical management practices and compliance, financial performance, product stewardship, public information, funding of research and development, and employee recognition. Once the audit is complete, we are able to plug the numbers in to provide a ranking on a Sustainability Index {SI rank best of 1350 points}.

The CFPA has no financial interest in any manufacturer or company of the products it certifies.

Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)


The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) certification is a standard for assuring sustainability claims. Control Union Certifications offers an LCA approach based on the ISO 14040 and 14044 principles and framework.

RCS blended


The RCS blended guarantees that the product contains 5-95% recycled content with no other restrictions on the remaining content. It is a voluntary standard that does not replace the legal or regulatory requirements of any country.

*What does this certification say about the product*
The certification ensures the content of recycled material in the product through tracking the flow of a raw material from its source to the final product. This process is then certified by an accredited third party that confirms whether a final product contains the accurate amount of a given recycled material. RCS covers every manufacturing process through which the recycled material is used to make intermediate products such as yarns and fabrics or finished products intended for the consumer. It does not apply to the refuse collection, sorting, selection and grouping as well as to random verification and self-declaration.

*Institution behind the Certification*
The Recycled Content Standard is owned and managed by Textile Exchange. The NGO exists since 2002 and plays a powerful role within the textile industry to support the understanding and use of sustainable materials and proper verification strategies. While Textile Exchange has extensive experience in standards development and ownership, they do not engage in any certification activities: Their focus lies on supporting the quality and adoption of their standards.

RCS blended - Transaction




The REEL Cotton Programme is a 3-year modular program for farmers with Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAP) at its core.
It has four key focus areas: Agronomic training, Social mobility and engagement, Supply chain verification, Brand reputation.

REEL promotes water management, soil fertility, and biodiversity through the use of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers to reduce the use of chemicals.

REEL also provides training to produce cotton with respect for human rights principles for decent working conditions; no child labour; application of health and safety principles; gender inclusion. Focus on women empowerment through Women in Cotton programme.



**The RSPCA Assured label** - RSPCA stands for Royal Society for the prevention of Cruelty to animals - **makes it easy to recognise products from animals that have had a better life, so you can feel confident and good about your choice when shopping and eating out.**

If there’s an RSPCA Assured label on the packaging of the eggs, fish and meat that you buy, everybody in the value chain has been inspected by the RSPCA assessors with the RSPCA’s welfare standards. They cover the whole of an animal’s life, from their health and diet to environment and care. This includes things like space, light, bedding, transport and humane slaughter.


Products with the label are fully traceable from the supermarket shelf back to the farm. Not only are all the details checked before a product is labelled, independent auditors and their staff employ randomly selected supply chain checks.

A product traceability check is when an RSPCA Assured-labelled product is traced from the shelf back through the supply chain to the farm it originated from - through the processor, packer and haulier. All of them had to meet the [RSPCA animal welfare standards](

The independent auditors check at least two producers each month and provide RSPCA Assured with evidence to show the chain from the supermarket shelf back to the scheme member(s). Like all assurance schemes we're unable to trace every product, however we do as much as we can to ensure products are labelled correctly. It is also the responsibility of the packer and the retailer to ensure labelling is accurate.

**Welfare standards**

Depending on species, benefits of the [RSPCA welfare standards]( include:

- More space
- Natural lighting
- Comfy bedding
- Environmental enrichmenteg objects for birds to peck at
- Shade and shelter

The standards are designed to ensure animals have everything they need for a better quality of life, whether they’re kept on large or small farms, or in indoor or outdoor production systems.

A team of scientific officers in the RSPCA's [farm animals department]( write the standards. They’re continually reviewed and informed by the latest research and practical experience - and in consultation with leading scientific, veterinary and practical industry experts. These detailed documents cover every aspect of the animals’ lives, including feed and water, the environment they live in, how they’re managed, health care, transport and humane slaughter.

**About RSPCA**

RSPCA is a charity and operates independently from the food and farming industry. They are recognised by the UK government as a higher welfare scheme. On RSPCA Assured farms, animals must be given enough space to move around, a good diet, comfortable bedding and things to do so they can exhibit their natural behaviours. Their vision is for all farm animals to [have a good life]( and be treated with compassion and respect.

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)


The Recycled Claim Standard verifies the presence and amount of recycled material in a final product. This happens through input and chain-of-custody verification from a third party. It allows for transparent, consistent and comprehensive independent evaluation and verification of recycled material content claims on products.

The RCS is used as a chain of custody standard to track recycled raw materials through the supply chain. As per label grade RCS offers two logo varieties: RCS 100 (minimum 95% recycled material content) or RCS blended (minimum 5% recycled material content). The standard was developed through work done by the Materials Traceability Working Group, part of OIA’s Sustainability Working Group. The RCS uses the chain of custody requirements of the Content Claim Standard. The RCS uses the ISO 14021 definition of recycled content, with interpretations based on the US Federal Trade Commission Green Guides; the intention of which is to comply with the most widely recognised and stringent definitions. Sellers of RCS products are advised to reference the allowed recycled content claims in the countries of sale, to ensure that they are meeting all legal product claim requirements.
Focus of RCS

The RCS does not address other inputs, environmental aspects of processing (such as energy, water or chemical use), any quality or social issues, or legal compliance. Intended users of the RCS are recyclers, manufacturers, brands and retailers, certification bodies, and organisations supporting recycled material initiatives.
RCS can be used as a business-to-business tool to give companies the means to ensure that they are selling quality products and getting what they pay for. It is also used as a way to ensure accurate and honest communication with consumers.
Control Union is the leading certification body, which has certified the majority of all certified facilities. This includes companies in ginning, spinning, weaving/knitting, dyeing and printing and stitching in more than 50 countries to OCS and GRS at the moment.

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) - Transaction


Red Tractor


The Red Tractor label is UK’s largest food standards scheme. It guarantees that the food and drinks that carry this label are sourced from UK farms and have been checked from farm to pack. They provide links between farming, processing, packing and distribution, with 46,000 British farmers and major supermarkets working to their world leading standards. Their food is traceable, safe and farmed with care.

Their approach to their standards is based on four key principles:

1. **Animal Welfare**
2. **Environmental protection**
3. **Food safety**
4. **Traceability**

The non-profit has strict rules on how the Red Tractor logo can be used. There are two variations:

1. The core *‘Certified Standards*: Products carrying this logo must be made using at least 95% of just one Red Tractor ingredient. They allow a 5% tolerance for seasoning. It is used on single ingredient food such as meat, fresh produce and milk and can also be used for composite products such as a bag of mixed salad leaves.
2. The *‘Named Ingredient:* This labels products where the Red Tractor certified ingredient(s) makes up 94% or less of the finished product. For example, the ‘chicken’ in a chicken kiev or items in multi-ingredient products such as ready meals, sandwiches, hot and cold pies.


BSE. Salmonella. Foot and Mouth were reasons for industry leaders and farmers to come together and create Red Tractor: a not-for-profit company providing stability and consistency of British food and drink through a single set of assured standards. They employ independent companies to undertake the inspections, to ensure that they are outside of industry influence and impartial. They perform more than 60,000 checks a year across the supply chain to safeguard how animals are tended to, how fresh produce is grown and how our standards are being followed from field to basket for food and drinks that carry our logo in stores and restaurants.

The costs of running Red Tractor are met by fees and licence payments from farmers and food companies.

Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC)


Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) is a new certification for food, fiber, and personal care ingredients. ROC farms and products meet the highest standards for soil health, animal welfare, and farmworker fairness.
Regenerative Organic Certified was established in 2017 by a group of farmers, business leaders, and experts in soil health, animal welfare, and social fairness. Collectively called the Regenerative Organic Alliance, our mission is to promote regenerative organic farming as the highest standard for agriculture around the world.

By adopting regenerative organic practices on more farms around the world, the ROC wants to create long-term solutions to some of the biggest issues of our time, including the climate crisis, factory farming, and fractured rural economies.

Regenerative Organic Certification will leverage the audit protocols and auditor requirements of standards recognized under Regenerative Organic Certification. The Regenerative Organic Alliance and NSF International will work with USDA-accredited certifiers, so that they are trained and able to grant Regenerative Organic Certification in the pillar for which they have proven competency. In addition to those organizations accredited and overseen by the Agricultural Marketing Service
National Organic Program, NSF International will accredit certifying bodies for Regenerative Organic Certification, who will verify and document all Regenerative Organic Certification claims.

Report of Low Water Usage


A report describing that the company has low water usage in comparison to conventional production.

Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS)


The Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS) is an international, voluntary standard that addresses animal welfare in the supply chain for alpaca fiber from certified farms to the final product.

**What does this certification say about the product**
The certification ensures that the alpaca fiber comes from farms that have a progressive, sustainable approach to managing their land, practice holistic respect for animal welfare of the goats and respect the Five Freedoms of animal welfare. It requires all supply chain participants to be certified from the farmers to the garment manufacturer or brand. Retailers (business-to-consumers) are not required to be certified.

**Institution behind the Certification**
Textile Exchange exists since 2002 and plays a powerful role within the textile industry to support the understanding and use of sustainable materials and proper verification strategies. While Textile Exchange has extensive experience in standards development and ownership, they do not engage in any certification activities: Their focus lies on supporting the quality and adoption of their standards.

Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS) - TRANSACTION


Responsible Brazilian Cotton program (ABR)


The Responsible Brazilian Cotton program (ABR) is a part of the BCI. It attempts to unite cotton growers in favor of a more sustainable cotton production in Brazil. ABR proposes to promote a progressive evolution towards good social, environmental, and economic practices, in order to build a positive image for Brazilian cotton and take up territory in the growing market for sustainable cotton. It also aims to continuously improve the sustainable management of production units, rising their compliance levels for sustainability and ABR criteria and align the industry.

The program reflects the continuous effort by Abrapa to promote sustainability in the Brazilian cotton industry, a job that started in 2009 with the launch of the Social-environmental Cotton Production Program (Psoal), which would later be replaced by the ABR program.

Just as the ABR unified the protocols of the Social Cotton Institute (IAS, in MatoGrosso) and of the Psoal, the benchmarking with the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) unified ABR and BCI protocols.

Responsible Down Standard (RDS)


The Responsible Down Standard (RDS) ensures that down and feathers come from ducks and geese that have been treated responsibly. This means enabling them to live healthy lives, express innate behaviors, and not suffer from pain, fear, or distress.
The standard also follows the chain of custody from farm to product, so consumers can be confident that the down and feathers in the products they choose are certified to the RDS.

Key poins of the standard:
- Any removal of down and feathers from live birds (live-plucking or molt-harvesting) is prohibited
- Force-feeding is prohibited
- Holistic respect for animal welfare of the birds from hatching to slaughter
- RDS down and feathers is properly identified; to ensures that non-RDS down and feathers are not mistakenly identified as RDS
- Each stage in supply chain is audited by a professional, third party certification body
- Only products with 100% certified down and feathers carry the RDS logo

The Responsible Down Standard is an independent, voluntary global standard, which means that companies can choose to certify their products to the RDS, even if there is no legislation requiring them to do so. The RDS was developed and revised over three years, with the input of animal welfare groups, industry experts, brands and retailers. The standard recognizes and rewards the best practices in animal welfare. The RSD is part of Textile Exchange.

Responsible Down Standard (RDS) - TRANSACTION


Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS)


The Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS) is a voluntary standard that addresses the welfare of goats and the land they graze on. The Standard applies to products that contain at least 5% RMS mohair, calculated as a percentage of the material.

**What does this certification say about the product**
The certification ensures that mohair comes from farms that have a progressive, sustainable approach to managing their land, practice holistic respect for animal welfare of the goats and respect the Five Freedoms of animal welfare. It requires all supply chain participants to be certified from the mohair farmers to the garment manufacturer or brand. Retailers (business-to-consumers) are not required to be certified.

**Institution behind the Certification**
The RMS is owned and managed by Textile Exchange and was created together with a multi-stakeholder group. All policies and procedures are based on the ISEAL Best Practices. Textile Exchange exists since 2002 and plays a powerful role within the textile industry to support the understanding and use of sustainable materials and proper verification strategies. While Textile Exchange has extensive experience in standards development and ownership, they do not engage in any certification activities: Their focus lies on supporting the quality and adoption of their standards.

Responsible Mohair Standard (RMS) - TRANSACTION


Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)


The Responsible Wool Standard is a voluntary standard that addresses the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on.ensuring that wool comes from farms that have a progressive approach to managing their land, practice holistic respect for animal welfare of the sheep and respect the Five Freedoms of animal welfare. The RWS requires all sites to be certified, beginning with the wool farmers and through to the seller in the final business to business transaction. Usually the last stage to be certified is the garment manufacturer or brand. Retailers (business-to-consumers) are not required to be certified. Farms are certified to the Animal Welfare and Land Management and Social Modules of the RWS. Subsequent stages of the supply chain are certified to the Content Claim Standard requirements.

Key points in the RWS are:
- Protecting animal welfare
- Preserving land health
- Protecting social welfare
- Credible certification
- Chain of custody
- Stakeholder engagement

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) - TRANSACTION




The SA8000® Standard is the leading social certification standard for factories and organizations across the globe. It was established by Social Accountability International in 1997 as a multi-stakeholder initiative. Over the years, the Standard has evolved into an overall framework that helps certified organizations demonstrate their dedication to the fair treatment of workers across industries and in any country.

The SA8000 Standard is based on internationally recognized standards of decent work, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO conventions, and national laws. SA8000 applies a management-systems approach to social performance and emphasizes continual improvement—not checklist-style auditing.

Elements of the Standard
- Child Labor
- Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Health and Safety
- Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
- Discrimination
- Disciplinary Practices
- Working Hours
- Remuneration
- Management System



The SEAQUAL License allows companies to buy, sell and promote SEAQUAL-Certified goods containing Upcycled Marine Plastic (including SEAQUAL® YARN) and to use the SEAQUAL trademarks, logos and other copyright materials.

**What does this certification say about the product**

Companies using the logos and trademarks are supporting ocean clean-ups and raising awareness of the issue of marine litter. This license also ensures that all companies in the supply chain must be SEAQUAL Licensees (yarn manufacturers, fabric mills, product manufacturers, brands and retailers).

**Institution behind the Certification**

SEAQUAL INITIATIVE is a unique collaborative community that works with ocean clean-up programs around the world to transform the marine litter they recover into Upcycled Marine Plastic; a new, fully traceable raw material with the power to raise awareness of the issue of marine pollution and highlight those helping to fight it. In choosing products containing Upcycled Marine Plastic, you are helping to clean our oceans.



IFMA’s Sustainability Facility Professional (SFP) is an assessment-based certificate program delivering a specialty credential in sustainability. The credential is made to give recognition and credibility informed industry players with a good decision-making and program management skill set to impact orgnization’s economic, environmental and social bottom lines.

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards


Sustainable Materialss Rating Technology or SMaRT, is a consensus sustainable products standard and label for building products, fabric, apparel, textile and flooring, covering over 80% of the world’s products with environmental, social, and economic criteria.

It is the result of 17 years of standardization with six national votes of consensus approvals involving thousands of professionals.

SMaRT is the Leadership Sustainable Product Standard recognized by LEED Green Building Standard and the Leadership Standards Campaign of leading environmental groups, purchasers, governments, and companies.

SMaRT requires 28 points for the entry level of certification and 156 maximum achievable for Platinum, with 15 points from prerequisites. SMaRT covers all product stages, is ISO compliant LCA, and incorporates over 40 single attribute standards.

SMaRT’s Environmental, Social, and Economic criteria are based on a rating system: Sustainable, Sustainable Silver, Sustainable Gold and Sustainable Platinum.

The maximum credit over all product stages/entire supply chain for:
100% Reduction of Over 1300 Pollutants covering 12 Environmental Impacts
100% Use of Green-e Renewable Power
100% Post Consumer Recycled or Organic/BMP Biobased Materials
100% Reuse/Product Reclamation
Social Equity for Manufacturer and Suppliers

STeP by Oeko-Tex


STeP by OEKO-TEX® stands for Sustainable Textile and Leather Production and is a modular certification system for production facilities in the textile and leather industry. The goal of STeP is to implement environmentally friendly production processes in the long term, to improve health and safety and to promote socially responsible working conditions at production sites. The target groups for STeP certification are textile and leather manufacturers as well as brands and retailers.

What does the certification mean?
STeP differs from other certification systems because, instead of considering only individual sustainability aspects, it includes a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the production conditions instead. STeP analyses all important areas of a company using 6 modules:

1. Chemicals management
2. Environmental performance
3. Environmental management
4. Social responsibility
5. Quality management
6. Health protection and safety at work

STeP focusses on the certification of the entire production chain in the area of textile and leather. Textile manufacturers from all processing levels can be certified, from fibre manufacture to spinning and weaving/knitting to finishing and making up. In the leather industry, all processes such as tanning, retanning, dying, fatliquoring, finishing and making up can be certified. Logistics centres and manufacturers of accessories, foams and mattresses can also apply for STeP certification.

You can check the validity status of the certification at any time using the number given on the label. To do so, enter the complete certificate number in the corresponding field on our website.

STeP provides targeted support to companies to help them implement environmentally friendly production processes in the long term: from the use of chemicals to responsible handling of wastewater and emissions to reduction of the carbon footprint. STeP recommends specific actions to improve working conditions and strengthens health and safety protection for workers at the production sites.

STeP supports socially responsible and fair working conditions at production sites. This includes both checking working times, wage payments and social insurance as well as compliance with hygiene and medical requirements. The recognition of existing social standards in the production facility is also part of STeP.

STeP by OEKO-TEX® recognises different standards and certifications from third-party providers, e.g. BSCI, FWF, SA8000, ISO, 14001, ISO 9001.

The STeP by OEKO-TEX® data base facilitates confidential and transparent communication between clients and suppliers and ensures that all data which is obligatory for compliance with existing standards and regulations is up to date and complete. It also provides the user with a system for managing every component of an integrated sustainable production strategy (including environmental and social responsibilities.)

Salmon Welfare Certified by AGW


The label guarantees that salmon products are from sustainably managed aquaculture farms that do not allow the use of GMO fish species, routine antibiotics or growth hormones.

It verifies that the environment is safe for salmon through water quality checks, that there is zero pollution and waterways are preserved, and that the farm prohibits the use of harmful substances. By certifying aquaculture systems AGW makes sure salmon is produced in ways that benefit the environmental, social and economic contexts in which they are embedded.

The standards are based on the widely respected welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon by the Royal Society for the prevention of Cruelty to animals (RSPCA). They cover the following categories:

- Management
- Health
- Husbandry practices
- Equipment
- Feeding
- Environmental quality
- Environmental impact
- Freshwater (pre-smoltification/juvenile fish)
- Seawater
- Transport
- Slaughter/killing including cage-side harvest
- Electrical stunning followed by bleeding
- Cleanerfish

A detailed description of the standards can be found [here](


Often industrial-scale fish farms are associated with a variety of environmental problems that parallel those evident in industrial agriculture. For example, farmed fish can be raised in unsanitary conditions in cramped underwater pens, sustained only by a diet of nutritionally deficient pellets and fed high doses of antibiotics to prevent spread of disease and sickness (and it’s estimated that farmed salmon are fed more antibiotics per pound than any other livestock). But just like industrial livestock agriculture, there exists a sustainable, environmentally conscious version of aquaculture and consumers have a choice to purchase fish and seafood that matches their values. With the proper production practices in place, aquaculture can be one of the most sustainable animal proteins to produce. Farmed Non-GMO salmon can efficiently convert feed into protein while generating a fraction of the greenhouse gasses of industrial livestock production, in a system that protects our earth’s rivers, lakes, and oceans, rather than fishing them to their limits.

**About A Greener World (AGW)**

As an independent, non-profit certifier, AGW supports working farmers and ranchers with a respected third-party certification, realistic production guidance and marketing support for their AGW-certified products.

Its standards were developed in collaboration with scientists, veterinarians, researchers and farmers across the globe to maximize practicable, high-welfare farm management, and are publicly available online.

All AGW certifications are free of charge but applicants have to pay a one-time, non-refundable fee
for all programs. The Schedule of Fees of the independent, non-profit certifier can be found here: [](



Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) is one of the most widely used ethical audit formats in the world.

Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade service providers, working to improve working conditions in global supply chains. It provides practical tools, services and a community network to help companies improve their
responsible and sustainable business practices, and source responsibly.

SMETA provides a globally-recognised way to assess responsible supply chain activities, including labour rights,
health and safety, the environment and business ethics. This enables companies to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance, and protect people working in the supply chain.

Skal Eko Symbol


The Skal Eko Symbol is a process and product certification for agricultural products originating from organic production methods. The regulations for organic production consists of European and Dutch legislation and regulations by Skal.

As an independent supervisor, Skal Biocontrole is committed to the demonstrable reliability of organic products in the Netherlands. An agricultural product or food may only be called organic if the production process complies with legal requirements. The organic quality mark may only be used by organically certified companies. The word ""organic"" is a legally protected term.

The specific Skal Eko Symbol criteria differ per product range.

Social Engagement


This is a placeholder for any kind of social engagement.

Soil Association Organic Standard


The Organic Content Standard (OCS) verifies that a product has met organic standards throughout its journey – from raw material to finished product. When a product is certified according to OCS standards, the certification process is in collaboration with producers to ensure a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material.

The Goal of the Organic Content Standard is to ensure trust in organic content claims. The OCS accomplishes this goal by verifying the presence and amount of organic material in a final product. OCS approved products have the entire supply chain verified, even the farms must have certification to a legally recognised standard. OCS Certification is carried out by independent companies and facilities are physically inspected to verify standards are met.

OCS has two different types of Certification:
- OCS 100 logo is used for only for product that contains 95% or more organic material.
- OCS blended is used for products that contain 5% minimum of organic material blended with conventional or synthetic raw materials.

SustainaWOOL - Gold


SustainaWOOL provides guaranteed traceability from farm to fabric and means best practices have been adopted and independently verified for responsible environmental stewardship of the land, best welfare and husbandry practices of the sheep, superior quality of the wool, and wool preparation standards.

While all SustainaWOOL growers are leaders in sustainable wool production, SustainaWOOL GOLD members are willing to go further: Growers act as positive role models who apply the highest possible standards for sheep health and welfare, environmental management, clip preparation, and traceability.

The institution behind the Certification

The SustainaWOOL Integrity Scheme is operated by the Australian Wool Exchange Limited (AWEX), an industry-owned not-for-profit, wool integrity systems company. AWEX is responsible for maintaining Australia’s wool classer Code of Practice and classer registration system, the ISO9001-2015- certified National Wool Declaration (NWD) Integrity Program, wool auction standards, and wool pack standards.



SustainaWOOL provides guaranteed traceability from farm to fabric and means best practices have been adopted and independently verified for responsible environmental stewardship of the land, best welfare and husbandry practices of the sheep, superior quality of the wool, and wool preparation standards. Being SustainaWool BLUE identifies those growers who still modify the breech (by any method) of their sheep and use effective analgesia and/or anesthesia when doing so.

The institution behind the Certification

The SustainaWOOL Integrity Scheme is operated by the Australian Wool Exchange Limited (AWEX), an industry-owned not-for-profit, wool integrity systems company. AWEX is responsible for maintaining Australia’s wool classer Code of Practice and classer registration system, the ISO9001-2015- certified National Wool Declaration (NWD) Integrity Program, wool auction standards, and wool pack standards.



SustainaWOOL provides guaranteed traceability from farm to fabric and means best practices have been adopted and independently verified for responsible environmental stewardship of the land, best welfare and husbandry practices of the sheep, superior quality of the wool, and wool preparation standards. Being SustainaWool Green identifies those growers who do not mules (ceased or never mulesed).

The institution behind the Certification

The SustainaWOOL Integrity Scheme is operated by the Australian Wool Exchange Limited (AWEX), an industry-owned not-for-profit, wool integrity systems company. AWEX is responsible for maintaining Australia’s wool classer Code of Practice and classer registration system, the ISO9001-2015- certified National Wool Declaration (NWD) Integrity Program, wool auction standards, and wool pack standards.

Sustainable Materials


More than 70% of the materials used in this product are proven to be sustainable or eco-friendly.



SustentaX is a Brazilian ecolabel that assists consumers to identify sustainable products, materials, equipments and services. Products with the SustentaX Seal are evaluated for their quality and human safety. Manufacturers must prove their social, environmental and marketing responsibilities. The independent verification process for the SustentaX Seal is based on ISO 14024.



The TerraCycle® logo is present on a product that TerraCycle has manufactured, it means the product was made from waste that would have otherwise gone to a landfill or been incinerated. In addition, TerraCycle accepts its old products back through the same collection programs to start the process over again.

TerraCycle is a social enterprise that eliminates the idea of waste. The company runs national waste collection programs in 10 countries where non-recyclable post-consumer waste is collected and made into new products and materials. The TerraCycle logo informs a consumer that the product or package is no longer waste, and can be collected and sent (postage paid) to TerraCycle. Globally, TerraCycle has over 60,000 proprietary collection locations and over 12 million people participating in its waste collection programs.



Terrapass uses carbon credits to help finance greenhouse gas reduction and renewable energy projects around the US. When consumers and businesses buy carbon offsets from terrapass, that money goes to purchase carbon credits from projects, resulting in lower overall greenhouse gas emissions and a slowing of global warming. The company provides Green-E® Climate Certified Carbon Offsets, a global third-party certification program for carbon offsets, and BEF Water Restoration Certificates®, which balances your business’ water footprint.

Texas Certified Organically Produced


Under the Organic Certification Program, the Texas Department of Agricultura (TDA) inspects and certifies organic farms as well as processors, distributors and retailers of organic food and fibers. To be certified, all must comply with organic growing and handling standards established by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP). In exchange for this compliance, participants may use a marketing logo identifying their products as certified organic. The department also helps certified businesses market their products by promoting Texas-certified organic food and fiber.

Textile Exchange


Textile Exchange is a global non-profit that creates responsible companies in the preferred fibre and materials industry. They aim to build a community that can collectively accomplish what no individual or company can do alone. They develop, manage, and promote a suite of leading industry standards, as well as collect and publish critical industry data and insights that enable brands and retailers to measure, manage, and track their use of preferred fibre and materials.

**How they do it**

With a robust membership representing leading brands, retailers, and suppliers, Textile Exchange is positively impacting the climate through accelerating the use of preferred fibres across the global textile industry.

**Their mission**

Inspire and equip people to accelerate sustainable practices in the textile value chain. We focus on minimizing the harmful impacts of the global textile industry and maximizing its positive effects.

**Their approach**

Engage and catalyze the textile industry across the supply chain through partnerships and collaborations, building knowledge and capacity to inform and educate.

Their prices and levels of a membership can be found here: [](

**Their Standards**

- [Organic Content Standard](
- [Global Recycled Standard](
- [Recycled Claim Standard](
- [Content Claim Standard](
- [Responsible Down Standard](
- [Responsible Wool Standard](
- Responsible Mohair Standard

Thai Green Label


The Thai Green Label is an environmental certification awarded to specific products that are shown to have minimum detrimental impact on the environment, in comparison with other products serving the same function. The Thai Green Label Scheme applies to products and services, not including foods, drinks, and pharmaceuticals.

The Thai Green Label Scheme was initiated by the Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development (TBCSD) and formally launched in August 1994 by The Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) in association with the Ministry of Industry.

The Gold Standard


Gold Standard for the Global Goals customises safeguards, requirements, and methodologies to measure and verify impact on a wide range of activities - from climate protection projects seeking to issue carbon credits to corporate supply chain interventions to national or subnational programmes looking for the most credible claims for their impact reporting.

The Gold Standard is currently the strictest certification out there for CO2-credits. It checks the CO2-reduction of climate projects, if local communities were involved in the project, whether it brings them social-economical benefits, and if there are no negative environmental impacts.

The Good Cashmere Standard


The Good Cashmere Standard® is an independent standard for sustainable cashmere, developed by the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF). It aims to improve the welfare of cashmere goats, the lives of farmers and farming communities, and the environment in which they live.

They approach their goal with the idea of activating market forces instead of collecting donations. Brands and retailers pay a licence fee to get permission to source sustainable cashmere that is certified under The Good Cashmere Standard and to label their products accordingly. Income from licence fees is then reinvested to foster the impact of The Good Cashmere Standard, pay for verification of the sustainably produced cashmere and benefit goats, farmers and the environment equally.

### Their Standards

The Good Cashmere Standard follows three main principles:

- promote animal welfare in cashmere production
- support cashmere farmers to secure a sustainable source of income
- protect the environment.


The Good Cashmere Standard has been developed with input from animal welfare specialists and industry experts. The Standard will be regularly reviewed and revised based on findings from the audit process, as well as any new, relevant scientific findings.

**Criteria & Principles**

They define mandatory criteria that must be met in order for a farm to be certified. They cover 4 main areas of cashmere production:

- goat management
- social criteria
- environmental criteria
- management criteria for small as well as large farms and buying stations.

Should a farm fail to fulfil a mandatory criterion, it will be considered to be non-compliant. This can result in a farm not receiving certification in the first place or being removed from the certified supply chain. The Five Freedoms as defined by the Farm Animal Welfare Council provide the overarching principles of The Good Cashmere Standard that are mandatory criteria. They state that no animal be subjected to hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain, injury or disease and that animals must also have the freedom to express normal behaviour and live a life free from fear and distress.

**Application processs**

Cashmere producers (buying stations/dehairing plants) apply for certification from The Good Cashmere Standard. The cashmere producer is then issued with a self-assessment questionnaire and applies to the Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) for initial approval. Should the certification process be successful, the cashmere producer will receive a certificate which is valid for 1 year.

Once the approval process is successfully completed, the AbTF contacts an independent auditing firm that conducts an inspection of the cashmere producers. ELEVATE, a service provider focussed on solutions to help manage the social, environmental and business performance of global supply chains, is currently assigned with the audits. If the cashmere producer is found to be in compliance with our Standard, certification is awarded by the AbTF. In addition to the regular visits and audits, a number of Corrective Action Plan (CAP) services help scope the long-term value of the certification, provide support for the auditees with their corrective and preventive actions and offer capacity building.

### Organisational Background


The umbrella organization of The Good Cashmere Standard is the The Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) which was founded in 2005 by Prof. Dr. Michael Otto, an entrepreneur from Hamburg, Germany, whose pioneering philanthropic work is characterised by his desire to help others help themselves. The AbTF leverages trade to help people by creating sustainable value chains.

**Board of Trustees**

The AbTF Board of Trustees is made up of leading personalities from international non-governmental organisations, the public sector, and business. It ensures that the main objectives of the Foundation are implemented. The Board of Trustees is comprised of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 members.

The Good Cashmere Standard - TRANSACTION


Trim Supplier Qualification Program (TQP)


General Info
The Trim Supplier Qualification Program (TQP) focuses on the principle that necessary production capability and quality control systems are built in the manufacturing process to ensure product safety and quality expectations. Catering to children’s apparel and footwear retailers, vendors and trim suppliers, the program adheres to component testing under the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Testing and Certification Rule.

What does this certification state?
TQP focuses on production capability and quality control systems necessary to ensure product safety and quality expectations are built into the manufacturing process, therefore minimizing risks from product recalls and test failures. The program provides trim suppliers around the world with a unique approach to educate and improve performance, by offering training to build awareness of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act’s (CPSIA) regulations and CPSC Testing and Certification Rule. Onsite visits by trained Intertek auditors will assess measures and controls in place to support manufacturing of safe and high-quality products on a consistent basis, focusing on 5 core areas of assessment: Management Environment, Risk Management, Process Control, Product Testing, Monitoring.

Who is behind the certification?
The program was initiated by Intertek, a UK based multinational assurance, inspection, product testing and certification company. It is the largest tester of consumer goods in the world and has a network of more than 1,000 laboratories across around 100 countries. Centered around its laboratory testing services, the company provides quality and safety assurance to industries such as construction, healthcare, food and transport. Products tested include batteries, accessories, apparel and chemicals.

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Certification


## Toward a common standard for measuring and reporting performance

The Certified TBL credential recognizes and rewards organizations that systematically measure, manage, and report their performance in rigorous, context-based terms. It is a supplement to many existing reporting schemes and requirements, signifying that an organization is competently and completely measuring their impact across environmental, social, and economic capitals.

Certified TBL is based on the belief that while outcomes matter, authentic measurement must come first. The TBL Standard is being developed through a process of multi-stakeholder collaboration and feedback, incorporating the interests of key stakeholders. For organizations committed to measuring all of what matters with discipline and authenticity, Certified TBL offers both a method and a credential.

**What is Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Accounting?**

In traditional accounting, there is a single “bottom line,” an economic or financial one. Triple Bottom Line accounting broadens the scope of accounting to include social and environmental impacts as well. TBL accounting assesses the performance of organizations in terms of their impacts on all vital resources, not just one of them.

The three “bottom lines” in TBL accounting are:

- Environmental — nature capitals
- Economic — economic capitals)
- Social — human, social, relationship, and constructed capitals


Source: Social Accountability International (SAI)

UL Environment Multi-Attribute Certification


Environmental Product Certifications awarded by UL tell the story of a product’s environmental performance throughout its lifecycle, enabling purchasers to identify holistically greener products and meet their sustainability goals. These voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle-based environmental certifications indicate that a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to prove its compliance with stringent, third-party, environmental performance standards.

These standards set metrics for a wide variety of criteria, including: energy reduction, waste diversion, recyclability, salvaged material usage, site preservation, transportation reduction, and natural resource conservation.

UL has created multi-attribute sustainability standards for the following industries: building materials/finished, janitorial/sanitation, household cleaning, toys, mobile phones and office supplies. The certifications and their criteria depend on the specific product.

UN Climate Neutral Now


Climate Neutral Now is an initiative launched by UN Climate Change in 2015 to encourage everyone in society to take action to help achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement. UNFCCC certifies projects that reduce, avoid or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

The projects are implemented in developing countries and are rewarded with Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), a type of carbon offset measured in tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The CERs are available for everyone to purchase to offset emissions or in support of the projects. The full contributions go directly to the projects.

The climate footprints are addressed through a 3-step method:
Measure their greenhouse gas emissions. also called the carbon footprint;
Reduce them as much as possible through their own actions; and
Compensate those which cannot be currently avoided by using UN certified emission reductions (CERs), a type of carbon credit.

UN Global Compact


UN Global Impact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Signatory companies in the United Nations (UN) Global Compact collectively share the same conviction: that business practices rooted in universal principles contribute to a more stable and inclusive global market that improves today and transforms the future.

The Global Compact requires participating companies to produce an annual Communication on Progress (COP) that details their work to embed the Ten Principles into their strategies and operations, as well as efforts to support societal priorities.

However, this is not a certification-based initiative and there are no specific criteria to be awarded a standard.

UNIC Social Accountability


The Code of Conduct and Social Accountability, a tool provided by UNIC, is a basic instrument to widespread the principles regulating business activity. In this document the principles of conduct and social accountability characterizing the companies are officially certified.. The document includes the principles of SA8000 standard, of the main international agreements (ILO) about the workers' rights, above all regarding to juvenile labour, and the main requirements about social accountability, environmental respect and professionalism. To implement the Code means also to involve the suppliers and the possible subcontractors in the supply chain, in the limits of their jurisdiction. The certification can be obtained only by companies based in Italy.

USDA Certified BioBased


USDA BioBased is a federally administered and run label. The USDA has established minimum biobased content standards for many product categories. A product must meet or exceed the minimum biobased content percentage in its given category in order to qualify for certification. Products belonging in categories for which minimum biobased content requirements have not yet been established must contain at least 25% biobased content.

The label is based on the BioPreferred program created by the 2002 US Farm Bill to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. The 2008 Farm Bill (Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008) expanded the existing preferred purchasing program for federal sector and reauthorized the voluntary labeling program for the broad scale consumer marketing of biobased products.

USDA National Organic Program


The USDA Organic or Certified Organic seal is a certification for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products in the US.

What does this certification say about the product

- The item must have an ingredients list and the contents should be 95 percent or more certified organic (not counting salt and water), meaning free of synthetic additives like pesticides, chemical fertilizers and dyes.
- It must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation or genetic engineering, according to the USDA.

Institution behind the certification

The rules and regulations for this certification are developed by the National Organic Program (NOP) of the U.S. Department for Agriculture (USDA) for the production, handling, labeling, and enforcement of all USDA organic products. Producers following these can be certified and are allowed to use the USDA organic label.
Operating as a public-private partnership, the National Organic Program (NOP) accredits third-party organizations to certify that farms and businesses meet the national organic standards. USDA and accredited certifiers also work together to enforce the standards, ensuring a level playing field for producers and protecting consumer confidence in the integrity of the USDA Organic Seal.



The V-Label is an internationally recognised, registered symbol for labelling vegan and vegetarian products and services.

What does this certification state?

The V-Label labels products as vegan using the definition from the 12th Minister for Consumer Protection Conference held on 22 April 2016: Food and other products that do not contain animals or parts of animals are considered vegan. To be vegan, food and other products must not be created with the help of living animals or animal-derived products. This takes into account all production and processing steps.

They also never license products in the following cases:

*Products declared as containing GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
*Products containing eggs from caged hens (including from enriched cage systems and small-group rearing)

Who is behind the certification?

As the holder of the trademark rights, the Switzerland-based V-Label GmbH coordinates international cooperation on the V-Label. The V-Label is an internationally recognised brand that was registered back in 1996.



The Verified Carbon Stanadard (VCS) certifies projects that include a wide variety of technologies and measures which result in GHG emission reductions and removals.The VCS Program allows certified projects to turn their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and removals into tradable carbon credits.

Vegan Trademark - Sunflower


The Vegan ’Sunflower’ Trademark is used on labels worldwide as the authentic standard for products free from animal ingredients and animal testing. It represents the international standard for authentic vegan products.

The Vegan Society’s founders created and defined the word ‘vegan’ in 1944, and have been helping businesses demonstrate that their products meet this definition with our Vegan Trademark since 1990.

Weltladen Dachverband


The Weltladen-Dachverband is the national umbrella organization for Weltläden (world shops) in Germany. It represents and supports a network of fair trade shops that sell products sourced from economically disadvantaged producers in the Global South under fair and sustainable trading conditions. The association aims to promote the principles of fair trade, advocate for global justice, and provide a unified voice for the fair trade retail sector.

It offers guidance, education, and advocacy for its member shops, helping them maintain fair trade standards, raise awareness about ethical consumption, and foster social and environmental sustainability. The Weltladen-Dachverband also engages in political lobbying to support fair trade policies and ensure responsible supply chains.

WFTO Fair Trade Standard


The WFTO Guarantee System (GS) combines Fair Trade and social enterprise verification into one. Their Fair Trade Standard verifies that an enterprise is mission-led, focused on the interests of its producers, and this is in the structure, systems and practices of the enterprise.

To be a WFTO member, an enterprise or organisation must demonstrate they put people and planet first in everything they do.

Developed by a group of experts in the field of Fair Trade monitoring and verification, the major aspects in the development of the WFTO Guarantuee System (GS) were credibility, sustainability and robustness of the system. To achieve these three criteria, the GS has five major components: new membership admission procedure, Self Assessment Report, Monitoring Audit, Peer Visit, and the Fair Trade Accountability Watch (FTAW). The FTAW is a participative monitoring mechanism that allows the public to report compliance issues regarding Fair Trade Organisations.

The GS is not a product certification system. It is an assurance mechanism that an enterprise is truly mission-led and that Fair Trade is implemented in the supply chain and practices of the organisation. Members that pass the GS process attain the ‘Guaranteed Fair Trade Enterprise’ status and may use the WFTO Label on their products.

The three main components to assess members’ compliance with the WFTO Principles are:
1. Self Assessment: every 2 or 3 years
2. Monitoring audit by an approved WFTO auditor every 2- 6 years depending on the risk
3. Peer visits by peers nominated by the member: every 2 - 6 years depending on the risk



Windmade™ is a consumer label identifying products and companies using wind energy. WindMade™ is dedicated to increasing corporate investments in wind power by informing consumers about companies’ use of wind energy, and increasing demand for products that embrace this clean and renewable energy source.

To use the WindMade label for their communications or products, WindMade members have to undergo a certification process to verify their wind energy procurement. The aim is to drive the development of new wind power plants, over and above what would be developed anyway.

WindMade™ the first global consumer label for companies using wind energy, was presented to the public on Global Wind Day (15 June) in New York City. The proposed standard requires participating companies to source a minimum of 25 per cent of their electricity demand from wind power, a level set to strike a balance between an ambitious target and an achievable goal for progressive companies striving to make a tangible impact.

Windmade is managed by an independent non-profit, and is supported by a consortium including WWF, the UN Global Compact, the Global Wind Energy Council, the LEGO Group, Vestas Wind Systems, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Bloomberg.

Woolmark License Certificate


General Info

Woolmark has long experience regarding wool products and offers companies producing wool products to test their quality by becoming part of their license program. The certificate proves that the tested product adheres to the woolmark quality standards.

What does this certification state?

The woolmark license certificate guarantees durability, performance and quality of wool products. The products are tested by independent authorised laboratories to ensure that they meet the woolmark specifications.

Who is behind the certification?

As a not-for-profit organisation Woolmark represents a commitment between woolgrowers, brands and consumers on the authenticity and quality of the fibre that connects them. They research, develop and certify wool as well as encourage and unite the entire supply chain, by: connecting, inspiring and educating; guaranteeing wool fibre quality; collaborating with like-minded brands and championing the wool fibre's eco-credentials.

Worker Union


Information about worker union, which itself indicates that you have fair payments.

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)


Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is the world’s largest independent certification program mainly focused on the apparel, footwear, and sewn products sectors.

WRAP issues three levels of certification that are valid from six months to two years based on a facility’s compliance with WRAP’s 12 Principles. These principles are based on the rule of law within each individual country and include the spirit or language of the relevant conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). WRAP takes a collaborative approach to social compliance certification in which it works with the applicant’s facilities to ensure that they remain in compliance with the 12 Principles.

The 12 principles are:
1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations
2. Prohibition of Forced Labor
3. Prohibition of Child Labor
4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
5. Compensation and Benefits
Facilities will pay at least the minimum total compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances and benefits.
6. Hours of Work
Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, should not exceed the limitations of the country’s law. Facilities will provide at least one day off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.
7. Prohibition of Discrimination
8. Health and Safety
Facilities will provide a safe and healthy work environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, facilities will provide safe and healthy housing.
9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
10. Environment
Facilities will comply with environmental rules, regulations and standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally conscious practices in all locations where they operate.
11. Customs Compliance
Facilities will comply with applicable customs laws, and in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of finished products.
12. Security
Facilities will maintain facility security procedures to guard against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (i.e. drugs, explosives biohazards andor other contraband).

YESS Standard


The YESS Standards for Spinning & Fabric Mills are a guide for mills to identify, assess, and address the risk of forced labor involved in cotton production.

What does this certification state?

YESS utilizes the OECD risk-based due diligence approach to identify and eliminate cotton produced with forced labor from apparel supply chains. It provides a framework, training, and technical assistance to help spinners and textile mills build a foundation from which all existing traceability systems can demonstrate credibility and connect brands with upstream solutions.

The YESS approach:

1. Implement effective due diligence of suppliers and cotton inputs.

2. Identify, assess, and mitigate risk through an established process and actionable milestones.

3. Leverage farm-level efforts to identify and address forced labor.

4. Cease sourcing from regions with documented forced labor that is currently unmitigable.

5. Undergo a third-party assessment of efforts and impacts.

Who is behind the certification?

Responsible Sourcing Network (RSN) is spearheading the initiative YESS to drive modern slavery out of cotton production by identifying and addressing forced labor involved in cotton harvesting, and encouraging the use of ethical and sustainable cotton. This association is dedicated to ending human rights abuses and forced labor associated with the raw materials found in products we use every day.



ZDHC MRSL supports good chemical management by helping to avoid the use of banned substances during production and manufacturing. This solution facilitates the creation of end products that meet the requirements for cleaner outputs. ZDHC MRSL establishes acceptable limits for each hazardous and chemical substance and outlines which ones to avoid, in particular those banned from intentional use. ZDHC Accepted Certification Standards are used to indicate conformance.

Other versions for this certificate: Chemical Management 4sustainability® Protocol.
4sustainability is an italian skills network between Process Factory and Brachi Testing Services. Together they offer brands and companies along supply chains their digital management system to become more sustainable. It consists of six focus areas: Materials, Chemicals, Trace, People, Planet and Cycle. Their protocol certifies the same standards as a ZDHC MRSL

ZQ Certified


ZQ is an established standard for ethically and sustainably grown wool, owned and operated by The New Zealand Merino Company Ltd and is recognised by the ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard. ZQ Natural Fibre is only available through supply agreement contracts, set up between the grower and a ZQ brand partner.

ZQ farms are audited on a regular basis by a third party Certified Accreditation Body (CAB). One partner is AsureQuality who specialise in a high level of integrity and consistency auditing approximately 15,000 sheep, beef and dairy farms each year in New Zealand and Australia. ZQ certified growers adhere to the ZQ Standard, where the welfare of animals and people take priority. ZQ certification is valid for three years. The growers have access to workshops and field days where collaboration is key.

myBMP Certified Cotton


myBMP Certified Cotton is a consumer guarantee that the branded textile product they are buying is made of Australian cotton grown under Best Management Practices by growers who care for the environment.

myBMP is the Australian cotton industry’s voluntary farm and environmental management program for growers. It works as a guide for growing cotton in harmony with the natural environment.

The program includes online self-assessment mechanisms and practical tools and auditing processes to ensure that Australian cotton is produced according to best practice. myBMP is aligned with internationally recognised quality assurance programs and marketing initiatives for sustainable cotton production.

Australia’s myBMP-accredited farms produce the world’s best cotton using responsible and efficient management practices. The myBMP’s certification standards align with those of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) and provide an avenue for Australian cotton growers to access global premium markets such as the BCI. Since 2014, many Australian cotton growers have been able to negotiate a premium for their Better Cotton Claim Units (BCCUs), representing a significant opportunity to leverage the sustainability investments made on farm.



myclimate provides consulting services, education and climate protection projects. It is one of the global leadrs in quality carbon offsetting measures. Emissions are currently offset by means of around 70 carbon offset projects in 30 countries. Through these projects, emissions are reduced by replacing fossil fuel sources with renewable energies and by implementing energy-efficient technologies. myclimate carbon offset projects meet the highest standards, which, as well as reducing greenhouse gases, have a proven positive impact on sustainable development, both locally and regionally.



The ÖkoControl Label is given to furniture, bedding or mattresses made of natural, Sustainable Materialss after strict testing for harmful substances done by independent and accredited test laboratories. It’s a label that guarantees the low output of dangerous emissions. This is done in accordance to the ÖkoControl criteria.

The awarding organization, ÖkoControl - Association of Ecological Furniture Stores, is an association of independent furniture retailers that has existed since 1994. The tasks of the association is the development of criteria for ecological furniture and the organization of product tests, such as pollutant controls according to the requirements of the ÖkoControl seal.

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen (Austrian Ecolabel)


The Austrian Environmental Label (Österreichische Umweltzeichen) offers consumers an information basis for environmentally friendly purchasing decisions. It is a government-awarded seal that labels environmentally friendly products and services. The label is awarded in the product, tourism, green meeting and education sectors.

Since 1990, the Austrian Eco-label has been used to identify products and services that are more environmentally friendly than competing products. The certification is not obligatory, every company can be certified voluntarily. It is the Austrian counterpart to the German certification "Blauer Engel" and is intended to motivate manufacturers and retailers to bring less environmentally harmful products to market.

The products and services to be certified are subject to an overall assessment. The Eco-Label is awarded by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and is based on guidelines with binding criteria. These are administered and updated every four years by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, the Association for Consumer Information (VKI), the Eco-Label Advisory Board as well as technical committees in which independent experts from the fields of environment, business and consumer protection are represented.

If a company wishes to obtain this certificate, it must submit an application to the Association for Consumer Information. This starts the analysis process which is based on a lifecycle analysis. If the company wants to certify a product it can select an inspector from a list of qualified inspection bodies. If they want to certify a tourist business, educational institution or school, the VKI will assign an examiner. The expert reports record the environmentally harmful effects of the product or service and check the manufacturing processes, disposal, quality and usability. The following points are the basis for the evaluation of a product or service:

* Raw material and energy consumption
* Toxicity of the ingredients
* Emissions such as exhaust gases and waste water
* Recyclability
* Packaging
* Distribution and transport
* Quality and safety
* Longevity
* Ease of repair

If the assessed product meets the criteria the company has to pay an annual fee for using the label. The amount of the fee depends on the size and turnover of the company. After four years the guidelines are updated, companies must re-applied for the label and go through the review process again.

Ø-label: Norway


The Ø-label aims to safeguard Norway’s organic future. All providers of organic products in Norway are part of Debio’s inspection scheme, which includes all activities from farm to table.
Debio’s regular inspections ensure that products meet the requirements for marketing organic products under the Norwegian ""Ø-label"", which certifies organic production.

Most of Debio’s services deal with the inspection of organic production in accordance with the Norwegian «Regulations on the Production and Labelling of Organic Agricultural Products». The inspection services are founded on an agreement with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, and the regulation is based on the EU Council Regulation 834/2007. It covers farming, processing, import and marketing of organic agricultural products.

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